National Deworming Day- Objectives and Dietary Solutions
By Nmami Agarwal 10-Feb 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

National Deworming Day is held on 10 February and 10 August each year. It is a single fixed-day approach to treat intestinal worm infections in all children aged 1- 19 years. It is conducted in all states and union territories on this day with a mop-up day on February 15 to ensure no child is left out.
Aims and objectives
National Deworming Day aims to create mass awareness about the most useful and inexpensive STH treatment by administering albendazole tablets. These tablets have no side effects.
Besides albendazole administration, behavior modification in terms of cleanliness, hygiene, use of toilets, wearing shoes/chappals, washing hands, etc. also needs to be taught to children to reduce incidents of re-infection.
Why is Deworming in Children important?
Soil-transmitted helminth (STH) infections are one of the most common infections in humans. These are caused by a group of parasites commonly referred to as worms, including roundworms, whipworms, and hookworms. The most vulnerable population to infections are those living in poverty. Such an infection can impair nutritional status by causing:
• internal bleeding which can further lead to loss of iron and anemia;
• intestinal inflammation and obstruction;
• diarrhea; and
• impairment of nutrient intake, digestion, and absorption.
Evidence from studies shows that large scale administration of anthelminthic medicines to populations at risk can considerably reduce the burden of worms caused by soil-transmitted helminth infections.
Dietary solutions for deworming
Here in this article, we provide you with natural home remedies to prevent you from any such infection.
• Raw papaya
Papayas are an extremely good remedy for stomach related issues and in preventing intestinal worms. Papaya contains an enzyme called papain which has anti-helminthic properties that work against the parasites. To use it, take 1 tablespoon of raw papaya juice, add 3-4 tablespoons of hot water and drizzle it with 3-4 drops of honey. Drink this early morning empty stomach.
• Lotus stem
Lotus is considered as a sacred plant and rightly so- starting from root to the flower. These have immense nutritional and health benefits. Lotus roots contain dietary fiber, potassium, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, vitamin C phosphorus, copper and manganese. To make use of lotus root for deworming, extract 2 tablespoons of lotus root juice and consume it along with it a drizzle of honey on an empty stomach.
• Coconut
Coconut is another ingredient that is known to benefit the stomach. Coconut water helps clear toxins from the system. Coconut oil contains caprylic acid. Caprylic acid is known for its anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial properties. Include a tablespoon of grated coconut with breakfast followed by a glass of warm milk.
• Pomegranate
Pomegranate can work wonders for the heart as well as gut health. The pomegranate tree is known to contain an alkaloid called punicine. Punicine plays an important role in getting rid of intestinal worms. The bark of the pomegranate tree can be boiled in water and kept overnight. Strain the water the next day and consume it empty stomach. This helps your system to function efficiently.
Following these natural tips can help you get rid of the worms.
Over to you
National Deworming Day can lead to the better health status of the children of our country thereby improving their productivity outcomes.