Effective Tips to Reduce Salt while Cooking
By Nmami Agarwal 28-Mar 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins
All of us have been told since forever that excessive salt is bad for our health because of several reasons. One of the main reasons behind it is because salt holds onto the water in our body, the extra water in our body raises the blood pressure which is one reason behind the heart, arteries, kidneys and brains getting strained. Some studies also show that a higher intake of salt may also lead to stomach cancer. It’s a fact that everything consumed in excess amount has the possibility of causing harm to our health so we bring you some effective ways to reduce salt while cooking, read ahead:
Select seasonings: Select spices and seasonings that do not have sodium on their labels. Use spices like basil, cardamom, rosemary, thyme and more.
Ditch packaged products: If you are a meat lover, then opt for fresh lean meat rather than packaged as packaged foods are more processed and contain high amount of sodium content which also acts as a preservative and is bad for health. Whereas if you go for fresh meats, it contains natural sodium which is way less than the processed ones.
Read food labels before buying any food: It is very important to read food labels to check the sodium content. Sodium content is always listed on the label. Compare various brands and choose the one with the lowest sodium content.
Use Onion: Putting onion in a dish is another way similar to adding flour dough balls. Cut the raw onion into two pieces and put it in the curry, it will soak the extra salt in the dish.
Choose whole foods over processed foods: Choose whole, unrefined foods rather than processed foods, not only will it make a healthier diet but also help in balancing the nutrients that our body needs.
Switch from fast foods to healthier options: If you are a fast-food lover, you might have experienced the amount of salt they use in their dishes, it makes the food more tempting and that is how people get attached to it. It is better to go for some healthier options like home-cooked food, make that dish yourself at home and reduce the usage of spices.
Health risks through excessive sodium intake:
Increases the risk of high blood pressure
Heart failure and stroke
Increases the risk of osteoporosis, declining of bone health
Chances of stomach cancer
May cause kidney disease, kidney stones
May lead to bloating and weight gain
May also cause headaches
Over to You
One can always choose to remove salt from the table, which is another measure for less intake of salt. Limiting the salt intake will lead to a better life as it will help you lose weight and the body will stay balanced. You’ll see many people going through the problem of high blood pressure and in most of the cases is because of the food they eat containing lots of salt. Having salt is not a problem unless and until it’s done in limits.