Health Advisory for Elderly Population of India during COVID-19 Pandemic
By Nmami Life Editorial 19-Apr 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

The Health Ministry issued a health advisory for aged people amidst the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Reports have claimed that a weak immune system, chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, kidney disease, and pulmonary diseases are some of the factors that can predispose an individual to coronavirus. The risk is higher for elderly people due to their decreased immunity and they might be suffering from chronic diseases and illnesses.
The mortality rate is also higher in the case of elderlies. To contain the virus, a nation-wide lockdown was also imposed by the Prime Minister. To curb the attack of coronavirus, the health advisory has released a list of preventive measures exclusively for the aged people.
The issued advisory is divided into two categories of DO’s and DON’Ts which include a list of precautions that need to be taken to reduce the transmission of coronavirus among the elderly population.
The list of DO’s consists of actions that need to be practised to limit any contact from the virus.
- Stay at home and don’t visit anyone. If, meeting someone, maintain one-meter distance.
- Wash your hands with soap and water regularly throughout the day.
- Sneeze or cough into your elbow, tissue or handkerchief and properly dispose of the tissue after using it.
- Get proper nutrition, stay hydrated and take plenty of healthy liquids and concoctions to boost immunity.
- Mediate, exercise and take your prescribed medications regularly.
- Talk to your family members via video call and ask them for help, if required.
- Postpone surgeries, if any.
- Clean the house with a disinfectant.
- Keep a check on your health and if you face any difficulty in breathing or develop a fever, immediately go see a doctor.
The DON’Ts list goes as follows:
- Do not touch your eyes, face, nose, and tongues.
- Do not cough or sneeze into bare hands.
- Avoid contact from sick and infected people. Do not shake hands or hug your friends and loved ones.
- Avoid taking trips to the hospital for routine check-ups. If necessary, call your doctor for any advice.
- Refrain from going to parks, temples, and markets and do not leave the house unless required.
Aged people have a higher risk of facing severe health issues if the virus attacks their bodies. Taking the necessary precaution is an absolute necessity for them to avoid any contact from the virus.