Know Which One is the Healthiest: Paneer v/s Tofu
By Nmami Life Editorial 23-Sep 2020 Reading Time: 3 Mins

Do you remain confused about what to pick between tofu and paneer? Both tofu and paneer offer wide quantities of protein but there are differences in their nutritional profile. Read on to know more about them and what you should always pick between tofu and paneer.
100 grams of tofu provides approximately 60-65 calories while the amount of protein that it offers is 7 grams. Tofu can fulfil 30% of the daily value of iron. It is a complete source of protein and it has all the nine essential amino acids along with various other micronutrients. The cholesterol levels in tofu are apparently zero and being derived from soybeans, it has various health benefits. Tofu is derived from a plant source hence, it is gluten-free. It also aids in lowering the bad cholesterol levels and contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially omega-3 fatty acids, which are quite beneficial for the heart and brain health and also helps in reducing inflammation in the body.
The calorie count in 100 grams of paneer or cottage cheese is 100-150 calories, with 18 grams of protein and 83 milligrams of calcium. But, paneer is high in fat, around 20.8 grams and is not a rich source of iron. Talking about cholesterol, paneer has 90 milligrams of cholesterol per 100 grams. But, if you are someone who is aiming to build muscles, opting for paneer can be a viable option, as it helps in the muscle build-up.
People who are keeping a tab of their calorie intake should always choose tofu. Furthermore, if you are lactose intolerant or trying to avoid dairy products due to some health complications then there is nothing better than tofu for you. The point of similarity is they are both high in protein, calcium and iron but made out of different kinds of milk.
If you want to gain weight, diabetic, or you are involved in high-intensity workouts then paneer is always a better option for you. But, if you are aiming at weight loss, going gluten-free or are gluten-intolerant- then tofu is a better option for you. However, some people find the taste of tofu peculiar. So, you can probably try some different, exquisite ways of incorporating it in your diet.
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Until then, Eat Healthily!