World Malaria Day: What to Eat and Avoid For Fast Recovery

By      26-Apr 2022       Reading Time: 4 Mins

World Malaria Day: What to Eat and Avoid For Fast Recovery

If you happen to have Malaria, don’t worry Nmamilife has you covered. Whether you have or haven’t had Malaria before, this blog will cover all the basics that you should know.

Malaria is caused by a parasite which is transmitted by the bite of an Anopheles mosquito(female). High grade fever, chills, sweating, and fatigue are common symptoms associated with this disease.

Eating right nutrition is as imperative as getting treatment, since not only will it rejuvenate your body but also it will give you the strength to fight this disease. Some of the foods that you should add in you must to eat list are: –

  • Instant energy foods: – High grade fever increases the energy output as our body’s immune system has to work much more than usual. Furthermore, it becomes a challenge for one to eat because during fever there is decrease in appetite. Foods that provide instant energy are glucose water, sugarcane juice, coconut water, fruit juices, etc.
  • Protein: – Requirement of protein is increased as there is massive tissue loss. Including adequate protein in your diet is of the best things you can do to help yourself recover from Malaria. Protein of high biological value like milk, curd, buttermilk, chicken in the form of soup, eggs, etc, should be there on your plate.
  • Fats: – Fat intake should be in moderation as too much of it can upset your GUT and can aggravate nausea and diarrhoea. Foods containing medium chain fatty acids such as butter, cream, yogurt, milk, etc., are well tolerated.
  • Micro nutrients: – Loss of vitamins and minerals is another downside of this disease and one should be vigilant about their micros. B complex vitamins give body its desirable output for energy synthesis whereas Vitamin A and Vitamin C boosts immunity. Foods such as carrot, beetroot, papaya, berries, citrus fruits (orange, sweet lime, lemon, etc.), nuts and seeds, potatoes, etc., are rich in vitamins and minerals.
  • Fluids: – Loss of fluids is inevitable in Malaria and therefore, one should keep themselves well hydrated all the time to compensate for fluid losses. A daily fluid intake of 3-3.5L is recommended.

You don’t want to worsen your condition by eating some foods that you must avoid.

  • High fibre foods: – Too much of fibre can upset your Gut and even worsen the situation. Food like oats, whole grain cereals, green leafy vegetables, etc., should be restricted.
  • Processed foods: – Foods that are processed such as deep fried foods, junk foods, oily and spicy foods, pickles, etc., must be avoided.
  • Stimulants: – Tea, caffeinated beverages, alcohol, cocoa, etc., should be restricted from diet.

Malaria can make you weak but avoiding certain foods will help you regain your strength. Eat healthy, stay healthy!

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"At Nmami Life, the meaning of good health is a combination of nutrition and fitness, which are essential to your well-being."
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