5 Must Do Yoga Poses To Practice In the Morning
By Nmami Life Editorial 16-Jul 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

How you start your morning can make or break your entire day! That is why it is said that it is imperative to create a healthy morning ritual. A virtuous morning routine can not only give a boost to your mood but also can do wonders to your health and energy levels.
Various studies said that a yoga sequence for about 30-45 minutes is a great way to start your morning and it can easily enhance your mood, mind and health in no time. What’s more? It can be done at the comfort of your home and give you that much-needed energy and optimism for the rest of the day. Not abiding by this, yoga has great benefits on the human body and it balances out the hormones, boosts the quality of sleep, revs up the blood circulation in the body and makes you super energetic and enthusiastic all day long.
Here are some basic five yoga poses that definitely help you in starting your day rightly.
- Kapalbhati Pranayama: You must have seen your grandpa doing this early morning! This is one of the simple yoga poses which can give you numerous benefits. Kapal means ‘the skull’ and bhati is ‘Diya or a lamp.’ This asana can flatten and tone your stomach while improving your digestive tract if performed regularly. It can also brighten your face, reduce wrinkles and make you healthy both inside out. Just sit in a cross leg position and exhale out the carbon dioxide. Don’t forget to pull your stomach when you exhale.
- Anulom Vilom Pranayama: Another name of this asana is Opposite Nasal Breathing. Breathing in and out while focussing on your breath can not only purify your mind but also cleanse out your body. This asana can ease out your stress and anxiety levels and save you from various health ailments like constipation, diabetes, high cholesterol levels and obesity.
- Vrikshasana: This asana is also known as the Tree pose. It is extremely beneficial for the overall health and well-being and can toughen up your various body parts like thighs, calves, ankles, and spine. Not only this, but this asana also improves your posture and balances out the internal disparities.
- Ardh Matsyendrasana: The half a spinal twist is extremely beneficial for your overall body and performing it regularly can improve your flexibility. It purifies your blood while making your spine strong and resilient. Try to avoid this asana if you are on your periods or during pregnancy as it involves twists in the abdomen which can make you suffer from internal pains or injuries.
- Camel pose: This is the body opener pose and is very helpful in bidding adieu to various health problems. Camel Pose is extremely beneficial for the heart and it strengthens the chest, enhances the capacity of lungs, de-stress you, makes you positive and helps you to start the day on a great note.
So, add these yoga poses in your morning schedule and soothe your mind and body with freshness and brightness. These poses provide you with great health benefits and keep the diseases at bay as well. So, is there anything stopping you from not following it?