Basic Stretches to Do at Home to Improve Flexibility
By Nmami Life Editorial 05-Jun 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Stretching is extremely beneficial for the body and devoting some minutes to stretching before or after your workout can do wonders to your body. Not only it imparts flexibility, but it can also invigorate and relax you like nothing else. The deep movements in the postures of stretching help in strengthening the body while making it more stable, supple and elastic. Not only this but stretching regularly for some minutes can easily improve balance, posture while improving the flow of blood to your muscles.
Here are some simple and basic stretches that you can do at the comfort of your home to make yourself more flexible.
- Standing hamstring stretch: This stretch is extremely beneficial for the back of your legs. Ending your workout with this stretch can make your muscles relaxed while maintaining the flexibility of your hamstrings which is quint-essential for your posture, back, knees and hips. Stand and maintain a distance between both your legs. Now, lower down your head towards the floor and lock them down behind your legs. Hold on for some seconds and return back to normal position.
- Cow-face stretch: This stretch basically focus on your shoulders, neck and back. You have heard about shoulder rotation and rolls many times to ease out the pain in the shoulders and neck. Cow-face stretch is another exercise that can easily relax up the tensed muscles of the neck, shoulders and back while making you more flexible and supple. Sit or stand in a comfortable position. Now, take your left arm behind your back and lock it down with your right arm. Hold on for a few seconds and repeat the method from another side as well.
- Triceps stretch: Tricep stretch is extremely beneficial for your back, shoulders and arms and performing this can improve your flexibility, neck or back pains or sore muscles after a workout. This stretch helps in boosting the circulation of blood in the body and if you are involved in a desk job then this stretch can do wonders to your tensed muscles. Sit or stand tall in a comfortable position and extend your arms over your head. Now, bend down your right elbow and try to touch your back from the palm and move your left arm straight and try to touch the right elbow from it. Hold on for some seconds and feel the stretch. Come back to the normal position and repeat with the other arm.
- Side bend stretch: Side stretching is well known for its various advantages that they provide to lower back, pelvis muscles and rib cage. As per the experts, “side bend stretch helps in improving rib cage mobility and expand the capacity of lungs to make breathing easier in all situations.” All you have to do is stand in a comfortable position and bend your upper body towards the right side in such a manner that your hands can touch your knees. Hold on for some minutes and repeat with the other side. Do it at least 7-10 times for effective results.
Stretching is quite beneficial for the overall body and can make you flexible in some time (only if you swear by it). Try out these stretching poses and do let us know which one is your favourite!