Beginner’s Guide to Meditation
By Nmami Life Editorial 06-Oct 2021 Reading Time: 6 Mins

Hands down, bar none! Meditation is one of the great ways to peacefully settle down everything. Be it attention or calm mind, mediation is a once and all solution for everything. Various researches have said that meditation can not only do wonders to calm and serene mind but it can also make you more focused, less bothered about discomfort, and develop a more appreciative and positive attitude towards life.
Meditation gives instant results and also comes a long way with you. It can give you endless great benefits in the long run as well. After listening to all these advantages and benefits if you decide to start with the process of mediation and are unsure about how to start, then we have a concise beginner’s guide for you. Here are some great tips to getting started with meditation practice from scratch.
Obviously, it would not be easy but small steps can lead to utmost perfection. Start with these minor points and enhance your skill with time.
- Start with the rule of two minutes: Doing mediation for an hour would be difficult for a beginner. 2 minutes will definitely look as easy as ABC but it is quite difficult and requires a lot of patience to do it. Practice it for just two minutes a day and be consistent with this time frame for a week. If that goes perfect then you are ready to increase the time by another two minutes. Follow this process and don’t rush. Mediation is the art of relaxing and don’t hassle for relaxation. Slightly increase your time little by little. Trust us! This process is amazing!
- Make it a priority each morning: It is quite easy to say that, I’ll do meditation every morning but do you think everyone sticks by this statement? We guess, no! Start with the daily reminders because mediation in the early morning is a great way to start your day with a calm mind. Nothing is soothing like a mediation session in the morning. So, take your mat, set your alarms and slay your meditation session like nothing else.
- Don’t stick up in the how: Almost everyone is stuck in the question of how to do it, where to sit, how to sit, what mat to use and many more questions like these. Yes, it is important but not imperative to get in progress. Start by sitting wherever you are comfortable. Bed, couch, mat, and ground anything will work. Make sure you sit in cross-leg and pay attention to the process rather than the accessories. Start by sitting in a quiet and comfortable place.
- Don’t forget to count your breaths: When you start to settle down and get habitual of it- turn your attention towards the process of your breath. Just focus your attention on the way your breath comes in and out and track its position down to your lungs. Keep an eye on counts and repeat them till your stamina allows.
- Close it with a big smile: This is the key to a wonderful day ahead. When you’re done with your two minutes, don’t forget to put a big smile on your face. Be grateful that you successfully completed your 2 minutes and commit for the next day as well. This way you can feel better inside-out and it takes you towards the path of positivity and happiness.
The above-written tips are not going to help you to turn into an expert but these small tips will definitely help you to get started, not to lose hope and keep going. Go with the flow, don’t implement it all at once. Be patient- try a few, come back and incorporate more.