Here’s How to Lose Weight While Sitting all Day in Office
By Nmami Life Editorial 15-Jul 2021 Reading Time: 8 Mins

Losing weight is a complex task and it becomes even more difficult when you are stuck in a 9-5 job. With chaotic schedules, busy lives and bounding desks it is almost impossible to lose weight healthily. Mindless snacking while sitting on the desk can lead to weight gain and can also increase the chances of various types of diseases. So, if you all want to shed those extra pounds without making any extra efforts and sitting on the desk, we bring you some of the great pointers that will help you in staying active, healthy and lessen down your sluggishness as well.
We do understand that sitting and quick grabbing of eateries while sitting on a desk is really harmful to one’s health and can also add up on weighing scale as well. So, forget relying on those quick eateries and foods from vending machines and swear by these pointers and see the results yourself.
Here are some of the effective weight-loss tips that you can definitely incorporate in your lifestyle to lose weight meaningfully. Just signalize a green go-go to these small and doable changes in your lifestyle and notice downs in your weight.
- Pick out your snacks intelligently: Snacking is one of the crucial meals while you are trying to lose weight. We always end up eating unhealthy snacks while we are at work. So, make sure you shop healthily and maintain a stock of healthy snacks near you so that avoiding processed foods and junkies becomes easy. You can also add nuts and seeds in your snacking option to reduce your weight easily and healthily. As a proper diet plays a crucial role in losing and maintaining weight, sticking to healthy foods is the key to losing weight. You can add various options like carrots, celery sticks, banana sticks, small packets of nuts and seeds, and home-made energy bars for effective results. Accurate corporate nutrition is one of the important things to take care of while losing weight.
- Say a big yes to stairs: You might not get the chance of moving much in the 9 to 5 job. But this is one of the great ways to keep yourself active and lose weight while giving a perfect tone to your legs. Doing ups and downs on the stairs can digest your food and refresh you while giving you that much-needed energy and enthusiasm. You can come and go by stairs and also utilize your lunch time to moderately do the ups and downs. Just ditch the elevator and keep an eye on the results. Start incorporating this trick and see the magic in your weight numbers. This not only lowers down your weight but also keeps you away from various health problems. Believe us you will feel garden-fresh after doing this!
- Water is a fundamental way: Consuming water is one of the great ways to lose weight. Water helps in flushing out the toxicity from the body while adding shine and polish to it. Try to consume at least 2.5- 3 litres of water every day in order to lose weight quickly. Make sure to keep your water bottles closer if you want to lose weight rapidly and healthily. Always carry your own water bottle if you are involved in a desk job so that you don’t forget your daily dose of hydration. If you are losing weight then dehydration can become a problem for you and can also damage you in plentiful ways.
- Spend your lunch breaks properly: Investing your lunchtime properly in different types of activities can help you in bid adieu to those extra pounds. Eating and sitting in one place is one of the major factors contributing to weight gain. You can incorporate various activities in your lunchtime like ups and downs on stairs, go for a walk in the garden, or walking while talking on the phone. Also, go slow with your lunch. Various researches said that those who eat their meals quickly are more prone to gain weight rapidly rather than the slow eaters. Eating meals slowly adds up to the improved metabolic health which further helps in losing weight quickly.
- Walk around your desk: Make a habit of standing at your desk and to take a brisk walk nearby your cabin. This is easy and does not even involve much energy and effort but definitely helps in burning out those calories you consume during the whole day. Try to keep moving at least four to five times a day. Sitting entirely will make you pack up the pounds while making you dull, lazy and lethargic. One of the best corporate nutritionists in Delhi said that taking small walks of 10-15 minutes in between hours is a great way to boost your energy levels and lose weight.
Over to you
Losing weight is not an easy task especially when you are involved in a desk job. All you have to do is just stand by these pointers and you will definitely notice some changes. If you want to quicken the process of losing weight then you can also search for a best corporate dietician in Delhi.