Here’s How you Can Boost your Stamina Naturally
By Nmami Life Editorial 07-Dec 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

The ongoing pandemic has slowed down almost everything for us. This has directly affected our lifestyle, be it mentally or physically. Our cycle has completely changed, from working from office to our home, from dining at the fancy restaurants to just eating at home, from hitting the gym regularly to performing boring daily household chores – our movements are now restricted. While many found their way to do exercise daily and stick to a healthy eating pattern, most of us were just sitting, eating all the decadent homemade treats, which we were missing due to the rush in our daily life.
Now that things are finally getting better and we are slowly getting out of our homes, beginning to go to the office, we notice that the stamina to do so isn’t there. We push ourselves to do the work and easily get tired without putting any extra effort. But not anymore, It’s now time to rewire ourselves by taking baby steps to reach back where we want to be and do everything in a systematic way.
Here Are 6 Easy Ways To Boost Your Stamina Post Lockdown.
- Eat at Proper Times
- Eat Nutrient-Rich Food
- Drink Lots Of Water
- Include Nuts and Seeds in your Food
- Avoid caffeine
- Get Back To Exercising
Eating at a proper time helps your body rhythm settle down, balances out your hormones, and keeps you energetic. Set your meal timings and stick to them keeping a leeway of 35 minutes up or down. Eating at regular hours means the energy level remains steady and doesn’t sway from highs to lows.
Nutrient-rich food adds up health while refined and processed foods add empty calories leaving your body without energy and you may feel low. Fermented foods add good bacteria that keep your gut healthy and efficiently helps in the absorption of the nutrients.
Even mild dehydration can leave us exhausted; therefore, one must take an adequate amount of fluids, and a glass of water is the best option. But if just having water is monotonous, you can also have coconut water, lemonade, fennel seeds water, bael sharbat, and so forth. Try these drinks if you haven’t yet as they are super hydrating and boost energy.
Nuts and Seeds adds important and healthy fibre, protein, fats, and antioxidants which are said to clean up the free radicals from your system. They also boost your immunity level.
Try to avoid caffeine as much as possible. It may give you a little boost when feeling tired but is not good for your stamina. Do not rely on caffeine too much, since you can build up a tolerance. Try staying away from caffeine sources that have a lot of sugar or artificial flavourings.
For people who have completely taken the time to do nothing in their exercising space, you need to start again. Do not bother thinking about where you were when the lockdown happened, you need to start all over again. Do not immediately get back to the high level of exercise- get there slowly. And for the ones, who have maintained a mid-level of exercise, push yourself to the next level, but gradually.
Over to you:
The ‘new normal’ has affected our lives severely but slowly we are improving. Boost your stamina with the above-mentioned tips. Until then, stay motivated, stay healthy, and most importantly stay safe.