International Yoga Day- Basic Yoga Poses Everyone Must Try
By Nmami Life Editorial 21-Jun 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Yoga has been well known for its combination of physical and mental benefits for thousands of years. From stretching to strengthening to calming the mind and body- performing yoga on an everyday basis has plenty of benefits on the human body. Yoga not only boosts your physical endurance and flexibility but it also keeps the health complications at bay. Regularly performing yoga asanas can do much more than just benefitting your fitness. Various studies indicate that 20 minutes of a yoga session regularly can improve your cognitive health by enhancing your brain’s working capacity and memory. Also, it helps in detoxifying your body while releasing tensions and anxieties.
Try these yoga poses every day to boost your overall health and well-being.
- Tadasana (Mountain pose): The literal meaning of the word ‘tada’ is the mountain and this asana assist in enhancing your posture, energy levels, relieving stress and aids in weight loss. This asana helps in reliving your tensed muscles while improving your attention and concentration. All you have to do is stand up and keep your feet a little apart. Gently, lift your heels and take up your hands and lock them up upwards. Try to keep up your body weight on your heels for some seconds and come back to the normal position. Don’t forget to breathe in and out while performing this.
- Vrikshasana (Tree Pose): Another name of this asana is tree pose. Regularly performing this asana can help in solidifying your back and legs while improving your posture. To perform this asana, keep your legs a little apart and put your left foot on your right thigh. Inhale and raise your arms straight and join your palms together. Hold on for some seconds and get back to your normal position while exhaling. Repeat with another leg as well.
- Kapalbhati: The meaning of Kapal is ‘the skull’ and bhati is ‘Diya or a lamp.’ This asana has various benefits on the body and can easily tone the stomach while resolving all the digestive issues. Not only this, but it can also do wonders to your skin and face while making it bright and healthy. Sit in a cross leg position and push your stomach in and exhale out the carbon dioxide from your nostrils while pushing out your stomach.
- Anulom Vilom: This asana is also known by the name of opposite nasal breathing. This asana helps in cleaning out your body while relieving your stress and anxieties. Breathing the fresh air can easily cure the symptoms of various diseases like constipation, diabetes, high cholesterol levels and obesity. Sit in a comfortable position and place your thumb on your right nostril. Now, inhale the air from your left nostril, hold it for some seconds and put your little finger on it and exhale out the air from the right nostril. Do it several times regularly for effective results.
On this International Yoga day, take a pledge to perform these basic asanas every day to enhance your overall health and well-being.