P. Volve Workout- The New Fitness Trend
By Nmami Life Editorial 04-Jan 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

P.volve was created by Stephen Pasterino, a trainer who is best known for working with Victoria Secret’s models and hosting thigh high gap workout. It is a type of low-impact total body workout that focuses on leaning out the muscles – toning rather than bulking – by using small movements that focus on opening up the hips and reaching hard-to-reach muscles to get that long, lean physique. Its founder, Stephen Pasterino, also known as “P” was fed up with workouts that didn’t translate to real life movements. He said what the muscles do when you’re moving versus how people use them in the gym are two different things. So, he decided to make his own method of training, and P.volve took birth.
General workouts in this fast paced lifestyle are stressful and overtime, the muscles break down and are build up even bigger and stronger than before, which is wonderful for gaining strength. P.volve gives a leaner look, especially to women. It is a kind of workout who calms the body down, decreasing inflammation throughout the legs especially, getting a leaner look he touts that a lot of woman desire.
What is P.volve?
P.volve is a method which involves functional fitness that challenges you through continual variation of movement and purposefully designed equipment to micro-target, strengthen and tone your entire body for a lifetime of new possibilities. P.volve was founded on the idea that when you work with your body instead of against it, you forge a deeper level of connection to it.
Who came up with this idea?
Launched in November 2017 and founded by husband and wife duo, Stephen Pasterino and Rachel Katzman, in partnership with Camelot Venture Group, P.volve workout is an innovation in the fitness space and carries enough drive to motivate fitness enthusiasts to try P.volve workout.
The objective behind P.volve
When P.volve method was developed, the goal was to bring a fresh, safe and functional approach that challenges each person through movement. The highlight is that anyone anywhere can experience a workout that is similar to private training.
How long is P.volve workout?
So whether you have 15 minutes or an hour, too much of space or just a few blocks in your bedroom, all the equipment or simply your own body weight, you can incorporate a P.volve workout into your regular day.
It is important to perform the workout in the right manner. Always opt for first learning the right technique and seeking professional help, if required. Whatever workout type or routine you may follow, it is better to consult and perform workout under the supervision of a well-trained fitness trainer. Every workout type can be tailored according to your body and lifestyle.