Plyometric Exercises: 7 Moves to Build Muscle Power
By Nmami Agarwal 19-Mar 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

If you are a trained athlete or work out comprehensively, plyometric exercise is the right kind of powerful activity for you. Plyometric exercises are practised to increase your speed, reflexes, fortitude and muscle strength. It is also known as ‘jump training’ and is in an aerobic form that boosts your overall conditioning. If you want to improve your fitness levels these exercises would be a perfect match to build your muscle power:
1- Burpees:
-Once you are in a squat position, place your hands down on the floor as you jump with your feet backwards into a plank position.
-Keep your spine erect.
-Start with a pushup and then pull your feet forward again coming back in a squat position.
-Jump with a pump and lift your hands up.
-For best results do 8 counts with 3 sets each.
It builds muscle strength of both the lower and upper body.
2- Tuck jumps:
-With your knees slightly bent and feet apart jump as high as you can, bringing your knees upwards towards your chest
-Do 10-12 repetitions in sets of 3
This exercise will improve stability & agility.
3- Jump rope –
Jumping rope for nearly 30-40 seconds in sets of 3. You don’t need to jump very high here.
These are practised by runners to improve foot movement & speed.
4- Mountain climbers –
-While in a plank position, bend your knees towards your chest and then return.
-Repeat with another leg.
-Do alternatively while increasing your speed.
-Initially try doing it continuously for 1 minute and then gradually increase the time limit.
This exercise helps burn calories and strengthens your arms, core, back, legs, & shoulders.
5- Skaters –
-Take a plunge on the right and bend your left leg behind your right leg with your left-hand bent and crossed in front of your body & right arm bent behind your back.
-Switch sides and arms.
-Do it at least 8-10 times.
Skater jumps are a very good dynamic exercise that increases leg power along with a full-body workout.
6- Jumping jacks –
-Jump with your feet apart and hand-stretched upwards simultaneously.
-Your feet should not cross your shoulder width.
– 3 sets of 8-10 counts would be ideal for a perfect whole body workout.
7- Bounding –
-While jogging pushes your left foot after it lands and brings your right knee at 90 degrees making it parallel to the ground.
-Similarly, repeat it with your right foot.
-Cover as much distance as you can.
This exercise brings coordination to your entire body.
Choose any exercise and add variations to improve athleticism. Plyometric exercises are intense, hardcore and challenging. Work with an experienced trainer to avoid any injuries.