Banana Chips- Healthy or not?

By      16-Nov 2020       Reading Time: 4 Mins

Banana Chips- Healthy or not?

Banana chips are often considered to be an alternative for regular packaged chips. It is considered to be a healthier option. They are made up of unripe bananas and you don’t have to worry about the fruit flies. Yes, we can say that banana chips are healthier than regular snacks. These chips have several nutrients, for example, a one-third cup of chips contains around one gram of protein, and fibre. It also contains Vitamin-A, phosphorous, and potassium in small quantities. But a bowl of it is fine. Consuming higher quantities lead to negative results that you should not overlook.

  • Fat Contain Is High:
  • These are fried in oil to give it a crunchy texture. Most of the oil is saturated. Foods rich in high saturated fat are closely linked to a higher risk of health disease, increase in cholesterol and blood sugar levels may show a drift. Also, it is terrible for your heart. They contain these unsaturated fats as they are soaked in coconut oil.

  • High In Sugar:
  • Some varieties of banana chips are coated with sugar syrup and honey, which adds on to the disadvantage. This makes it high in calories. One cup banana chips, which has 10.5 grams of added sugar and 14.5 grams of natural sugar.

  • Rich In Calories:
  • As banana chips are loaded with saturated fat and added sugar, it adds on to your calorie intake. As it is not a fresh banana but a dried one, the water content is also less and is dehydrated, which furthermore adds to the calorie content.<

  • PotassiumContain Minimises:
  • A fresh banana contains 422 mg of potassium, whereas one ounce of banana chips contains only 152mg. So, having a raw banana is better, as it enhances the immune system and takes care of your bone health.

Which one is better, dried banana chips or fresh banana?
Fresh bananas are any day better than a dried banana. Fresh bananas supply more amounts of protein, iron and various other vitamins. One cup banana chips contain more saturated fats and sugar than potato chips. Dried banana chips also take away all the hydrating nutrients whereas fresh banana does not. Fresh bananas help you gain nutritional benefits without increasing fat intake.

Over To You:
Banana chips are the most convenient and portable snack. They can be a part of your diet plan but only on an occasional basis. It is often considered to be a healthier option. For a healthier choice go for non-fried chips with no added sugar, but nothing can compare the fresh banana, as it gives you nutrients without any added fat. Fried banana chips are much higher in calories so go for the baked or dried one. Nonetheless, banana chips are way better than candy, pastries, and corn chips. If you decide to eat banana chips be mindful of your portion size and avoid the packaged ones!

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