Cut Out these Items from your Food Stock
By Nmami Life Editorial 06-Mar 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Breaking up with some foods (when it’s become your everyday habit) is hard! Some foods might be tasty, appealing and luscious but saying goodbye to these lovely foods can lead you towards better health. Removing sweet and fried foods from your food diary are extremely crucial for your health and trim your waistline like no other. Not only this, but it also gives you heart-healthy nutrients while decreasing the risk of various diseases.
Let’s scrape off those pleasurable foods that can further make you guilty while making you unhealthy and fat.
Flavored Yogurts: Flavoured yoghurts can give a soothing taste to your buds but it is often filled with sugar and components that can harm your health while making you gain extra pounds. As it can affect your heart and health, you should skip adding these yogurts in your menu and change to natural and unsweetened yoghurt or homemade curd. Homemade curd is packed with a great quantity of protein and you can also enhance its taste by adding fresh fruits in it. This can add up to your nutritional profile and works great as a healthy snacking option.
Dehydrated Fruits: Although dehydrated fruit looks like a perfect option for healthy snacking, it can do more destruction than anything virtuous. Various researches said that these dried fruits are packed with added sweeteners like sugar, corn syrup, and preservatives that make them unhealthy. Not abiding by this, dried fruits are deficient of enzymes that are readily found in fresh fruits. Dehydrating the fruits diminishes the nutritional content of the fruits. So, try to add fresh and seasonal fruits in your diet rather than consuming these dried fruits.
Diet Soda: Many people think that diet soda is healthy and cannot harm health. But the truth is- diet soda can negatively affect your health while making you suffer from various digestive problems. Various studies suggest that excessive consumption of diet soda can increase the risk of various health ailments like heart diseases, obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol levels. So, always try to replace diet soda with plain water for good health.
Low Sodium Salts: Products with low-sodium salts are no less harmful to health. Such products substitute some of the sodium in sodium chloride with potassium, so it is basically a mixture of sodium chloride and potassium chloride. Potassium chloride is bad for health and that’s the reason why sodium has been used in foods from ages. It affects your health and can also help in lowering your blood pressure. Unfortunately, it can also impact your heart health. Always consult to a doctor before adding it in your diet.
Cut out the listed foods from your pantry to make yourself happy and healthy. These foods save you from various health ailments while making you slim and trim. These healthy swaps make you feel filling for a longer period of time while adding up to your nutritional profile. Be careful what you listen from others and always check the accurate information before buying any product that says ‘no harm’ to the health.