Fact or Fad- The Military Diet
By Nmami Life Editorial 23-Mar 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Due to the increasing craze of achieving health and fitness goals, a lot of diet trends have gained a lot of momentum in the recent past. From keto 2.0 to paleo-ish diet- the internet is flooded with plenty of diets that promise to lose weight quickly. One such diet that has gained the major attraction of health and fitness enthusiasts these days is the Military diet. The military is an extremely low-calorie diet that claims to shed pounds from the body in a very short span of time. This diet is also known by the name of 3-day diet. But if you wonder if this diet actually works or not, then you have stumbled upon the right page. Here is everything you need to know about this latest diet.
What is the military diet?
The military diet is a weight loss diet that is extremely low in calories and claimed to lose up to 10 pounds in a week. This diet plan contains a 3-day meal plan followed by 4 days off and this same cycle is repeated on a weekly basis until you reach your targeted weight. The supporters of this diet said that this diet was designed by the nutritionists in the US military in order to get soldiers into the proper shape rapidly. But the truth is “this diet is not associated with any military or governmental institution.” This diet is also known by various other names such as navy diet, army diet and even the ice cream diet.
How does this diet work?
This diet is based on a weekly basis (7 days period) and further fragmented into 2 segments. In this diet, you have to follow a low-calorie meal plan for the first 3 days during your breakfast, lunch and dinner. You have to restrict your calories to 1100-1400 on a regular basis and snacking is not allowed between meals. On the other remaining days, you have to stick to a healthy eating pattern and have to consume lesser calories.
Foods you can eat and can’t while following the military diet
Foods you can eat
- Apples
- Bananas
- Bread (whole-wheat), in limited portion
- Carrots
- Cheeses (cottage and cheddar), in limited portion
- Coffee
- Eggs
- Grapefruit
- Greek yoghurt
- Green beans
- Hot dogs
- Ice cream
- Meat
- Peanut butter
- Saltine crackers
- Tea
- Tuna
Foods you cannot eat while following the military diet
- Artificial sweeteners
- Butter
- Creamers
- Fruit juices
- Milk
- Oranges
- Sugar
- Yoghurt
Switching certain foods if you have allergies or if you are a vegan is available in this diet but if you want good results completely sticking to this diet is extremely important. Military diet does not back with any studies or shreds of evidence and as per health enthusiasts “you will get certain weight loss advantages due to the “food combinations” in the meal plan.” The food combinations in this diet will assist you in boosting your metabolism and burn fat but there is no certainty behind these statements. This diet won’t give lasting weight loss results as it does not assist us in changing our habits. Also, cutting back on calories from the diet can also create nutritional deficiencies in the body and can further take you close to various health ailments as well. This diet can help people who want instant results.
The military diet won’t give long-lasting weight loss results and is good for people who want to cut back some pounds instantly. Stick to a healthy and well-balanced diet if you want effective results without hampering your health.