Feijoa Fruit- The Combination in Taste of Strawberry, Melon, and Pineapple
By Nmami Life Editorial 05-Feb 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Feijoa fruit or pineapple guava has some unique characteristics. For starters it has a perfumed scent that is soft, sweet and feminine yet medicine such as bubblegum tones and a hint of pineapple, strawberry and melon. The feijoa fruit is found growing naturally in temperate to subtropical regions and was basically originated in South America. The fruit and its products are commercially popular in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia in South America and New Zealand in Oceania.
Health Benefits of Fresh Feijoa
- Boosts Immunity
- Aids Digestion
- Promotes Weight Loss
Feijoa contains a strong supply of minerals and vitamins, consuming this regularly can provide your immune system a much-needed boost. Vitamin C present in this fruit enables in stimulating the production of white blood cells, the body’s first line of defense, while also acts as an antioxidant to discover free radicals.
Did you know? A single serving of pineapple guava has more than 50% of your regular recommended vitamin C.
This fruit can optimize digestion by stimulating peristaltic motion and improving nutrient uptake as it contains high levels of dietary fiber which helps in soothing symptoms of constipation, cramping, bloating, indigestion and general stomach upset.
Feijoa like mentioned above contains high amounts of dietary fiber and nutrients with low carbohydrate levels, this means your body will feel full and access a significant supply of nutrients which will limit your daily intake of calories or sugar, prompting positive weight loss. It will also help you to avoid snacking between meals or overeating.
Other health benefits are:
People who regularly consume feijoa receive some essential health benefits related to obesity, cholesterol, oxidative stress, diabetes, increased circulation, osteoporosis, metabolism, cognitive function, and nutrient deficiencies.
Combine pineapple guava with other fresh fruits and vegetables to create delicious dishes. Here’s how you can eat feijoas:
- To enjoy its natural flavor and unique taste try eating feijoas by itself.
- You can make a variety of drinks by squeezing the juice out of feijoa.
- Add feijoas to fruit salads, salads or salsas.
- Feijoas can also be used as confectionery in cakes and pastries.
- Prepare jams, purees, jellies, and chutneys by using fresh pineapple guava.
Pro tip:
Eat feijoas in moderation as these fruits tend to be sweet, which means it contains high amounts of natural sugar already that can be devastating to your health.
Over To You.
The nutritional value of feijoa is convincing enough for you to add it in your diet. Feijoa’s potential benefits come from the different minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that can assist you with enhancing overall health and wellbeing.