Food Trend Alert- Licorice
By Nmami Life Editorial 24-Mar 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

A lot of us know about the health benefits of fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and dairy foods. But today, we bring you some of the advantages of lesser famous food known as licorice. Licorice is a sweet root and has been used by many people across the world for its significant medicinal properties. It gives endless benefits to both the health and skin too. Its consumption easily adds up to the overall health and well-being in no time. However, overconsumption of its root can lead to various side effects and can make you suffer from various health ailments like low potassium levels, paralysis and weakness.
Licorice root can be converted into powder, tea and extract and can be consumed in a recommended amount to cure and soothe the health ailments. So, give a quick read to these health benefits and incorporate it into your lifestyle.
- Soothe your stomach: Licorice root is packed with Vitamin E, phosphorus, Vitamins, manganese, iodine and zinc and can give a soothing and calming effect to gastrointestinal problems. It can boost digestive health and can also cure the damage caused to the stomach due to ulcers, food poisoning, and a heat burn. licorice contains an acid known as glycyrrhizic acid which can restore and repair the stomach lining in no time. You can consume 15 grams of licorice on a daily basis to relieve ulcers and gas problems.
- Clean out the respiratory system: Licorice can do wonders to respiratory problems. It helps in producing clean and healthy phlegm which helps in keeping the respiratory system on track and can also keep the lungs healthy. You can make a concoction out of it by boiling the root in the water and consume it in the form of a tea.
- Reduce stress: Consumption of Licorice can help in combatting stress while maintaining the levels of cortisol in the body. Various studies suggest that licorice consumption can also solve out any tensions while reliving out the symptoms of stress and anxiety. You can consume it in the form of a tea or grind it into a smooth and fine powder and gulp it down with water. Always keep an eye on its consumption as excessive consumption of it can do harm rather than any good to the body.
- Treat itchy and inflamed skin: Various researches proved that usage of licorice on the skin can soothe out various skin problems like eczema. It can ease out inflammation and reduce swelling, itching and redness from the skin. Just apply gel based licorice for at least 2 weeks for effective results.
Consumption of licorice can enrich you with great health but always keep a check on its usage as overconsumption of its root can make you suffer from various life-threatening health problems.