Food Trend Alert: Water Cress Seeds – Worth It or Not?
By Nmami Life Editorial 23-Sep 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Watercress, also called cress is a plant with peppery-flavoured leaves, which are rich in vitamin C. Watercress is a largely overlooked leafy green that has potent nutrients. It is a part of the Brassicaceae family, which also includes kale, brussels sprouts and cabbage.
Lately, watercress along with mustard, radish, and wasabi, is getting all the spotlight. But, as a matter of fact, watercress was first cultivated in the early 1800s in the UK. But, is it all that worth? Dive in to find out.
- A powerhouse of nutrients, especially vitamin-K:
They are low in calories but have a vast nutrient profile. In fact, it is ranked number one on the US Centers for Disease Control’s Powerhouse Fruits and Vegetable List. One cup or 34 grams of watercress gives- 106% of the vitamin K RDI(Reference Daily Intake), 24% of the vitamin C RDI, 22% of the vitamin A. It also has small amounts of vitamin E, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, folate, and copper.
- High in antioxidants:
Watercress is packed with antioxidants that protect against cell damage caused by free radicals. They lower the risk of diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disorders.
- Prevents Cancer:
Cress is rich in phytochemicals, that may reduce your risk of developing certain types of cancer.
Isothiocyanates, a compound found in watercress, is found to prevent lung, colon, prostate and skin cancers.
- Supports Heart Health:
Watercress is a part of the cruciferous family, which may help in your heart health. It has carotenoids which not only protect against the development of heart disease but also lower your risk of heart attack and strokes.
- Vitamin-K protects against Osteoporosis:
Calcium, magnesium, vitamin-K, potassium and phosphorus, play an important role in bone health. Fortunately, watercress has all the minerals necessary.
- Boosts immunity:
Vitamin C for the immune system’s better performance is a must. A deficiency in vitamin C can lead to inflammation in the body and also an increased chance of having an infection. Watercress has potent amounts of vitamin C in it, which also boosts skin health.
- Nitrates may enhance athletic performance:
Green leafy vegetables like watercress have a naturally occurring plant-compound, called nitrates. They provide relaxation to your blood vessels and increase the amount of nitric acid in the blood, which in turn may enhance your athletic performance.
- Improved functioning of thyroid glands:
Members of the brassica family of cruciferous vegetables like watercress; work by reducing thyroid hormone production. But in order to enjoy its benefits, one must take it raw or just steam it very lightly, so that the nutrients aren’t lost.
Over to you.
Watercress is definitely worth the spotlight. As it has many benefits on health. Moreover, it’s very convenient to include them in the diet, for it can be used in salads, kinds of pasta, soups, pastes, and sandwiches. The nutrition profile is stellar and you can grow them in your kitchen garden to use fresh every time. Also, it can make a good variation for your regular spinach or lettuce. Hence, try this powerhouse vegetable, to get all the amazing health benefits it has to offer.