Here are Some Easy Ways to Incorporate Chia Seeds in your Diet
By Nmami Life Editorial 27-Mar 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

The black coloured, round looking chia seeds are only tiny in appearance- the nutrition profile it carries is extremely significant and beneficial for the overall health and well-being. Chia seeds are packed with a great amount of omega-3 fatty acids, fibre, protein, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium and swearing by the consumption of just 2 tablespoons can do wonders to your health like nothing else. From maintaining weight to boosting energy to healthy skin- chia seeds have plenty of benefits on the human body. What’s more!? Their flavourless taste can be easily incorporated in many foods while enhancing its nutritional profile.
Here, we bring some of the different and easy ways to add chia seeds in your diet. Let’s get started without any further ado.
- Liquids soaked chia: One of the easiest and simplest ways to consume chia seeds- soak it in some water for about half-hour and then drink it. Your chia seeds will get sticky in the water and you can easily consume it. To enhance the flavour, you can add some freshly chopped fruits and some slices of lemon in it. Not only this, but you can also add it in your juices. Make sure that your juice is not strained and contains pulp. This drink helps in cutting down your fat while boosting your energy levels. You can drink this water early in the morning on an empty stomach for effective results.
- Pudding: So, for all those sweet lovers out there, chia pudding is the delicious dessert with the brownie point of great nutritional profile. It is the perfect and easiest way to get all the essential vitamins and minerals while reducing the risk of various diseases. All you have to do is take a bowl, add some milk and soak some chia seeds in it for some time. After that, add your favourite nuts and fruits in it (you can add blueberries, apples, almonds and raisins). Freeze it in the refrigerator before serving and serve chilled. You can consume it in breakfast or have it after your meal as a dessert.
- Smoothies: We all love smoothies- it is easy to make, yummy and delicious. Add chia seeds in it to make it more nutritious. Healthy drinking during the summertime can help in enhancing your energy levels while saving you from the various health problems. Take your favourite fruits or veggies like kiwi, spinach, banana and berries, blend them in a blender with some yoghurt and add a tablespoon of chia seeds in it. Blend until you get a smooth consistency. The chilled and delicious chia smoothie can uplift your mood and enrich you with the goodness of nutrients. Try to add only 2 ingredients while making smoothies as too many ingredients can sometimes cause allergy and reactions.
- Toppings: Chia toppings over your salads, soups, oatmeal, cereals, and stir-fry vegetables are a great way to enhance the nutritional profile of your meals. These on the go snacks become more delicious and crunchy by adding just a tablespoon of chia seeds over it. You can also add some sliced bananas and strawberries over your oatmeal or cereals to enhance its taste and nutrients. These are easy to cook, rich in nutrients with the luscious taste- What’s not to love?
Chia seeds are extremely beneficial for the overall health and well-being. You can add it in your diet in the above-written ways and enrich yourself with the goodness of heart-healthy nutrients without compromising the taste.