How To Remove Pesticides From Food At Home
By Nmami Life Editorial 09-Oct 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

‘Pesticides’ have now become a member of our daily lives. The era is conscious about healthy eating habits ignoring the nutrition expenditure but, challenging fact is – we have to ensure the quality of purchased item, that is, it must be free from pesticide and bacteria. Based on recent studies of Pesticide Residue Management Cell (PRMC) there are some fruits and vegetables found which exceeded Maximal residue limit (MRL) and as per Centre for Science and Environment (CSE), unbalanced consumption of pesticides can harm the health of human beings. However, it is almost impossible to get rid of this problem but we can go for organic food available in the market but ‘pocket friendly’ is another aspect of consideration. So, to reduce the amount of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables at home there are some measures which on implication can save you from various carcinogenic effects of pesticides. Let’s have a look on them!
- Washing with salt water: In a big bowl of water add 2 pinches of salt and rinse eatables in the solution for a while, this will detach the impurity from the same. The effectiveness of this measure is up to 70-80%. If this method would be practiced with running water, the effectiveness will be increased.
- Vinegar wash: Prepare a solution of vinegar in which the ratio of vinegar to water is 1:9. Soak the edibles (fruits and vegetables) in that solution for 20 minutes. This method would reduce the pesticide up to 95-99%. Since it is effectiveness is higher, some porous fruits and vegetables need extra care because it could be harmed. After 20 minutes rinse the same in tap water to enjoy the vinegar free taste.
- Peeling: Peeling is the ultimate and most effective measure to combat with pesticides on food. Peeling can be easier by blanching, that is, boiling/heating the fruits and veggies for a short period of time. For example, potato with earth covering has lots of pesticides on it, so, boiling and peeling is the only measure, in this case, to achieve a healthy stuff.
- Washing with baking soda: In this measure, like vinegar, in a large bowl of water add a teaspoon of baking soda and soak the food stuff for 15-20 mins. Rub the edibles with your honds and mix them well. Then after, take out the veggies and fruits and rub them with dry and clean piece of cotton cloth. This method will completely eliminate the pesticides residues. It is strongly recommended for mushrooms, papaya, kiwi, broccoli and non porous food items but only negligible amount of residue will leftover on strawberries, grapes, kale, tomato, apples.
However, there is no room for pesticide-free food but one can think for organic food items because the farmers who produces organic, uses natural pesticides which are allowed to use in very least amount.
Why are we indulging in these measures?
Since there is no farmer in the world who doesn’t use the pesticides over his crops and each of the farmer is using them in a minimal amount which are allowed as per FSSAI and it will not harm our body. But as we discuss earlier, if the amount will cross the limit, it would deteriorate the human health by following ways.
All these problems are evidenced by our doctors. So, we must target and encounter this problem which can now be achieved by measures mentioned above in the article. It is not a threat to limit your eating habit fear of pesticide but we have to confront the issue and move on to healthy lifestyle.