Monk Fruit Sweetener- Is it a Healthy Sugar Alternative?
By Nmami Life Editorial 26-May 2020 Reading Time: 6 Mins

Natural and has fewer calories, Monk fruit sweetener has been around for decades but has recently grown in popularity since it’s become more readily available. It is 100–250 times sweeter than sugar. The monk fruit is also known as luo han guo or Buddha fruit- a small, round fruit grown in Southeast Asia.
How is monk fruit sweetener made?
The sweetener is prepared by removing the seeds and skin of the fruit and crushing it to collect the juice, which is later dried into a concentrated powder. Monk fruit contains natural sugars, namely fructose and glucose. However, the natural sugars in monk fruit don’t add up to its sweetness as it gets its intense sweetness from unique antioxidants called mogrosides. While processing, mogrosides are separated from the fresh-pressed juice, and thus monk fruit sweetener does not contain fructose or glucose.
Because this extract maybe 100–250 times sweeter than table sugar, several manufacturers mix monk fruit sweetener with other natural products, such as inulin or erythritol, to reduce the intensity of the sweetness. Monk fruit extract is not only used as a standalone sweetener but also as an ingredient in food and drinks, a flavor enhancer, and a component of sweetener blends.
The main component of monk fruit sweetener is a specific type of mogroside called mogroside V. Studies show that the mogrosides have both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
There are other health benefits like:
- Antioxidant effects
Mogroside extracts have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as they inhibit certain harmful molecules and help prevent damage to your DNA. That said, no human studies have confirmed these benefits.
- Suppress growth of cancer cells
Some studies suggest that monk fruit extract inhibits cancer cell growth but, the mechanisms are still unclear. Another study found that the mogrosides suppressed leukemia cell growth.
- Beneficial for Diabetes
Since monk fruit sweetener has zero calories or carbs, it does not raise blood sugar levels. Therefore, it may be a good option for people with diabetes.
Studies in diabetics suggest that monk fruit extract may even reduce blood sugar levels. The extract experienced lower oxidative stress and blood sugar levels, as well as increased HDL (good) cholesterol. Some of these benefits may be explained by the mogrosides’ ability to stimulate insulin secretion in insulin cells. However, as this extract is often mixed with other sweeteners, you should carefully read and understand product labels before making a purchase.
Currently, no studies have been there how monk fruit sweetener specifically affects weight. However, evidence suggests that low-calorie sweeteners may aid weight management.
Is it harmful?
Since there is no such research which proves that it is harmful and also there has been no report about its side effects or negative effect after consuming the sweetener.
Monk fruit is completely safe as it has been used for decades but it can be said that Monk fruit sweetener is relatively new to the market, as the FDA only recognized it as generally safe in 2010.
Also, unlike other low-calorie sweeteners, monk fruit extract still awaits studies examining its effects. Although mogroside extracts from monk fruit may have health benefits, more evidence is needed.
To date, studies have used high doses of monk fruit extract that are much more concentrated than what you’re likely to encounter with a sweetener.
Over to you
The fact that it’s natural and contains fewer calories, we can say that it appears to be a safe and healthy sugar alternative but still requires more research. We are even not sure about the dosage to consume to be able to get potential health benefits.