The Versatile Rice – Know the Top 8 Varieties & Health Benefits
By Nmami Agarwal 09-May 2020 Reading Time: 10 Mins

Rich is the staple food in so many countries and several parts of India. States like West Bengal, Bihar and Odisha actively cultivate paddy fields. Rice is highly nutritious with high fiber. Fiber improves your bowel movement and digestion. It is also a great source of energy and promotes a healthy heart. Rice is rich in vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, copper, and selenium. Overall, including rice in your diet and eating it regularly can serve several benefits.
In India, West Bengal produces almost 14.7 million tonnes of rice followed by Uttar Pradesh at 12.2 million tonnes. Several cities in India consume rice as an important component in their meals every day. Knowing the rice eating trend that prevails in India and throughout the world, we are here to share with you different kinds of rice that are available and their health benefits. Here are the top 8 varieties of rice for you to choose from:
- Brown rice: It is a whole grain and less processed which means that only the hull, a hard covering, is removed leaving the bran and germ intact. The nutritional value of brown rice is very high. Rich in potassium and calcium, brown rice has a lot to offer. It is high in manganese which is known to enhance various processes in the human body such as healing wounds and regulating the blood sugar level. It is an excellent antioxidant and protects the body from oxidative stress. Brown rice also contains fiber more than any other refined grain and fiber is extremely essential for the body as it improves digestion. It even controls diabetes and promotes a healthy heart free from diseases. Brown rice takes more time to cook but it’s worth the time. With all that this whole grain has to offer, incorporate brown rice in your diet for a better and healthier lifestyle. Eat a bowl of cooked brown rice with mixed veggies for lunch and look out for other exciting recipes
- Red rice: With a nutty flavor that your mouth will savor, red rice is a healthy pick. It meets your iron and fiber needs which helps the body gain less weight. It is an antioxidant that fights off free radicals. It is full of zinc that safeguards the body from free radicals that can damage any tissues and cells. The red color is imparted by a component called anthocyanin and it is this red husk that makes red rice loaded with tons of nutrients. This variety of rice helps in preventing asthma because of the high magnesium content that improved the circulation of oxygen in the body. It is packed with nutrients such as calcium, selenium, protein, potassium, vitamin B2, and B6. Red rice reduces LDL cholesterol that is bad for the body. This rice is suitable for a diabetic patient. Try consuming red rice with new recipes and eat it regularly.
- Black rice: Since ancient times, black rice has been eaten extensively and is still found is a variety of cuisine all around the world. Among the different kinds of rice, black rice has the highest protein content. It is also a good source of iron and rich in antioxidants. Anthocyanin is responsible for the black color of this variety of rice. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidants properties. Black rice also has anticancer effects and improves eye and heart health. Known as the forbidden rice, it promotes liver health and aids in weight loss.
- Jasmine rice: It is one of the most affordable varieties of rice that goes well with Indian curries and used in making biryani. It is loaded with cards that provide you energy to carry out various processes in the body. Brown jasmine rice is full of fiber that lowers blood sugar levels and improves cholesterol levels. It also provides vitamin B and minerals that enhance body structure and its functioning. Cooking jasmine rice with chicken is not only tasty but nutritious too.
- Basmati rice: This is one of the most common varieties of rice found in all parts of India. Its aroma and texture are what make it so devouring. Along with the savory taste, basmati rice has several health benefits too. It is a nutritious and healthy option for people suffering from diabetes and it even improves heart health. Moreover, it helps in maintaining a healthy weight and can enhance your dieting process. It is gluten-free and low in fat.
- Wild rice: It has gained popularity in recent years. It isn’t exactly a variety of rice but it’s a certain type of grain that grows from a grass found in North America and China. It is difficult to grow and takes time. It is rich in protein, vitamin B and amino acids. As it is rich in phosphorus, it strengthens the bones. Wild rice boosts your energy levels and keeps you more active. In addition to this, wild rice improves digestion and the immune system.
- Arborio rice: Arborio rice is a good source of carbohydrates which aids in building muscles and strength. It is packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals. This rice is very easy to digest with a fairly high amount of vitamin C. By boosting the immune system, arborio rice reduces the risk of many chronic diseases. It prompts the production of enzymes and hormones that repair and strengthens the tissues and cells in the human body.
- White rice: This variety is consumed by almost everyone in our country. White rice is an essential component in our diets and we eat it on most days. White rice is light on the stomach and can be digested easily. It is gluten-free and full of nutritional values. It has minerals such as calcium and iron. Iron improves the quality of red blood cells. White rice also provides energy because it is full of carbohydrates.
Now that you are aware of the different kinds of rice that are available, you can make a wiser and healthier choice for you and your family. Look at your requirements and choose which variety of rice is appropriate for you.