Top 6 Best Food Sources of Zinc
By Nmami Agarwal 26-Sep 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Zinc is a mineral that plays an important role in making you all hale and hearty. From controlling the functions of 300 enzymes to smooth functioning of the internal organs-zinc is a vital nutrient that assists in the effective functioning of the overall body. Zinc helps in boosting the immunity, right division of the cells, aid in the growth of the cells and heals wounds. The accurate consumption of this mineral is extremely important to prevent zinc deficiency and the normal function and development of the body.
Here are the top 6 foods that help in meeting the daily recommended value of the super-mineral zinc.
- Legumes: Legumes are a versatile way of consuming the right proportions of zinc. Chickpeas, different types of lentils and beans contain a high amount of zinc and consuming just 100 grams of lentils can fulfil 12% of the daily recommended value. Lentils and legumes are also filled with protein and fibre and can easily be cooked in just a few minutes. You can add it in your soups, stews and salads.
- Seeds: The tiny looking seeds are an excellent source of plenty of nutrients including zinc. Seeds like hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds and sesame seeds are rich in the mineral zinc and just 30 grams of these can fulfil 31% of the daily recommended value of zinc. Seeds are packed with fibre, omega 3 fatty acids and other vital vitamins and minerals that can provide you with plenty of health benefits.
- Nuts: Another versatile source of zinc is nuts. Nuts like cashews, pine nuts, walnuts and almonds are filled with great quantities of zinc and can boost your overall health. You can snack on nuts to reap the maximum heart-healthy nutrients along with plenty of health benefits.
- Dairy products: Dairy products like cottage cheese, milk, yoghurt and many others offer a wide range of nutrients together with zinc. Milk and cheese are extremely high in bioavailable zinc which means it can easily be absorbed in the body. Milk and dairy products also offer vital nutrients like protein, calcium and Vitamin D which helps in strengthening the bones.
- Eggs: Eggs are a great source of zinc and other essential nutrients like healthy fats, B Vitamins, protein, selenium and choline which boost your energy levels, keep your heart healthy and help in maintaining a healthy weight. Just one whole egg can fulfil 5% of the daily recommended value of zinc.
- Whole grains: Whole grains are a humble source of getting zinc and other essential nutrients. Whole grains provide fibre, manganese, phosphorus, iron and magnesium which boost your satiety and helps in losing weight, boost heart health and reduce the risk of various diseases. Add oats, quinoa, rice, wheat and barley in your diet to get high quantities of zinc and other nutrients.
Over to you
The daily recommended value of zinc for men is 11 milligrams while for women it is 8 milligrams. Incorporate the above-written food sources in your diet to fulfil your daily requirements and to save yourself from the zinc deficiency.