World Milk Day: The Current Developments of Milk as Food Staple with Latest Researches
By Nmami Agarwal 01-Jun 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Milk with bread has been one of the oldest food traditions. Several people across the world have adapted to this combination during the world crisis and even as a plate of breakfast. Door to door delivery of milk and children chugging down a glass of milk in the morning has been a household tradition for a very long time now. Fresh cow’s milk was earlier in excess demand as people trusted a glass of fresh milk filled with essential nutrients. More than six billion people around the world enjoy drinking this low-calorie drink. Milk can be added to a bowl of cereal and can also be transformed into cheese, cream, and yogurt.
Milk has originally been considered as a great source of protein, calcium and vitamin D. It is known to strengthen bones and improve bone health. Milk is one of the most nutritious drinks and the dairy industry is a flourishing business. Infants and toddlers are mostly advised to consume milk due to its nutritional properties. Even with all these benefits available, milk consumption has declined over the past few years. The milk industry has hit a set back as the demand for milk is decreasing as people are getting aware.
People throughout the world are acknowledging the harsh reality of the dairy industry. They are actively addressing animal abuse in slaughterhouses and shaming these industries. Activists and organizations are creating awareness about switching to healthy food alternatives such as consuming soy milk or almond milk instead of cow’s milk. Eating vegan slices instead of cheese and ditching normal yogurt for vegan yogurt.
Veganism is growing rapidly as more and more people are getting acquainted with the concept. Veganism is the practice of refraining from using any animal products to limit the exploitation and abuse against animals. People choose to practice veganism because there are healthy alternatives available. Ethical vegans are conscious of consuming an animal’s flesh or drink its milk. They abstain from harming and hurting animals in the best way possible. Vegans avoid eggs, dairy, fish, chicken, honey, and meat. They eat various plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. The growing veganism is making people more conscious and aware of their dependence on the dairy industry.
Lactose intolerance is another major factor that is convincing individuals to ditch milk. It can cause nausea, indigestion, gas, cramps, and bloating. As the symptoms progress, it can even lead to severe imparities. It occurs when the body is unable to produce enzymes that help in the digestion of milk sugar (lactose).
The number of people ditching milk and switching to better alternatives is increasing rapidly. There has been a shift in the demand for dairy products as people are learning about the environment and themselves.