5 Health Issue that Affects Breastfeeding Mothers
By Nmami Agarwal 06-Aug 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Breastfeeding is not only beneficial for the child but also for the mother. It provides the baby with all the essential nutrients they need for healthy development and also boosts the baby’s immune system. Yet, breastfeeding has a lot of health-related issues and challenges on the mother’s body. Sometimes unexpected issues can cause a lot of pain to the mother. So, we have jotted down some of the major health issues that a breastfeeding mother has to face:
- Mastitis: This is the condition in which the breast tissue gets inflamed. Symptoms include breast pain, skin redness, and warm skin. This may happen because of insufficient drainage of the breast milk or it may be caused by bacteria entering your breast or due to a clogged milk duct. Drink plenty of fluids and take enough rest to relieve the pain.
- Leaking Breasts: Breasts leak because of the letdown reflex that is a powerful and normal part of the breastfeeding process. And until your breasts become used to the art of releasing milk from the ducts at the right time when the baby is at the breast, letdown and the frequent leaks could occur at any time without any warning.
- Osteoporosis: Breastfeeding mothers lose a small percentage of their bone mass. Women often lose 3 to 5 percent of their bone mass during breastfeeding which they usually recover rapidly after weaning. This bone loss may be caused by the growing baby’s increased need for calcium, which is drawn only from the mother’s bones. To avoid osteoporosis, keep your bones strong by exercising and eating foods rich in calcium like vegetables and milk.
- Cramping: When you’re breastfeeding, your body produces hormones. One of these hormones, oxytocin, is also responsible for helping your uterus shrink down to its pre-pregnancy size. As it shrinks, it may cramp. Cramping during breastfeeding is completely normal and a sign that your body is doing what it is supposed to be doing after the birth of your child.
- Carpal Tunnel: The carpal tunnel is a pathway in the wrist made of ligaments and bones. It mainly protects tendons as well as the median nerve. Pressure on this nerve can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Lactating mothers may experience more severe symptoms of the carpal tunnel than non-lactating mothers.
Over to You:
Breastfeeding can be tougher than you imagine but all the above mentioned health issues can be resolved under the proper guidance of a doctor. You can consult your lactation health expert if you feel any pain or irritation while breastfeeding your child.