5 Lesser-Known Tips To Ease Cervical Pain
By Nmami Agarwal 23-Jan 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Most neck pains arise from a cervical disc abnormality or damage to the disc due to degeneration or disc herniation. It can lead to inflammation or muscle spasms and hurt more.
In some cases, the typical treatment of medications, pain relief patches and hot and cold compressions do not work and they have to resort to other techniques to temporarily get relief from the pain.
Here are some tips that can help when the typical treatment for neck pain might not work-
1- Trying a water pillow
Many people have major pain while trying to get a good sleep at night, and might become stiff at night and wake up with bad pain in the morning, therefore you can take help of a water pillow, you can adjust the levels of water and use the exact amount that is perfect for your neck, and adjust the firmness according to you, and less water can give you a softer pillow.
2- Using a neck-supporting chair
For people who sit for long hours, and have bad posture like hunching forward when sitting put extra pressure on their spine, therefore using a supporting chair will maintain posture, and keep the head balanced reducing the pressure.
3- Mindful Meditation
Relaxing and focussing the mind can help ease the pain in the neck, and ease out stress. Doing controlled breathing, or guided imagery can show major benefits for the pain.
This technique may not work for everyone, but it shows benefits to a lot of people.
4- Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
It can be rather frustrating when you see no results after constant medication and treatment. A therapist may help you overcome these challenges and help you focus on the positives; a therapist can also guide you on how you can journal your success and practice mindful meditation.
5- Gua Sha
It is a Chinese form of Traditional medicine, it is applied to the areas with blocked or stagnant blood circulation and heat therapy is known to break tiny capillaries and red spots form, these spots usually clear up in days. This is considered safe as of now, using sterile equipment to relieve a person of any kind of pain, in this a practitioner applies small strokes using a spoon, and many people have reported this to be helpful in the removal of pain.
Swimming, exercise can also be helpful in the treatment of neck pains. As humans, we don’t always know what kind of treatment might help us eventually, and therefore we always have to find the best combination of treatment for ourselves using the trial-and-error method and lots of failed attempts at curing the pain