5 Psychological Signs of Stress
By Nmami Life Editorial 01-Mar 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Due to the chaotic timetables and schedules, stress has become an internal part of our lives. As per the statistics, 79% of women and 73% of men are suffering from different types of stress on a global level. Stress is basically the reaction of the body to any kind of change or adjustment. There are different types of stress. Some of it is even considered as healthy but a deep state of mental and emotional strain can affect the psychological health. Stress is dangerous for a human body and can even lead to various problems like depression and anxiety. It affects health on a different level and can cause distress and disturb the functioning of the brain.
Today, we bring you some of the psychological signs of stress that can also cause panic attacks and depression. If you found any of these in your life try to seek the advice of a doctor.
- Headaches: Various studies suggest that stress is responsible for headaches. If you are suffering from a lot of headache and pain in the neck region then you should definitely consult a doctor. Increased stress levels can increase the frequency of headaches. You can also try out some medications and yoga to effectively soothe the headaches and to calm down the mind.
- Insomnia: Stress is generally linked with exhaustion and disturbances in sleep which can further make you weak and while lowering down your energy levels. Various studies said that if you are in high stress than you may not be able to sleep well as your mind will only occupy with your problems. One of the great ways to deal with lack of sleep is proper exercising and consuming foods that help you in sleeping better. You can add various foods like almonds, walnuts, chamomile tea before your bedtime.
- Problems with your memory or concentration: One of the great signs of stress is the loss of memory and low concentration. It can further create an increased heart rate and panic situations. Forgetting sometimes is normal but if you are suffering this on a regular basis then you should definitely consult a doctor.
- Racing thoughts: Racing thoughts about one thing is one of the significant sign of stress. Your mind will repeat the same thoughts again and again if you are suffering from stress and as a result, you will suffer from fear and won’t be able to build your confidence levels.
- Constant worries: No, it’s not about the everyday tensions. You might suffer from everyday hassles and concerns but if it increases day by day then this might be a sign of stress. Dealing with this situation requires special care as if it’s not properly treated it can cause damage to the brain and its capacity to think.
Stress has become a part of our lives. Almost all of us feel it on a regular basis. It can further create many problems if it’s not treated properly. So, take care of its signs and symptoms and consult a doctor at the early stages to prevent any damage to the mind and health.