6 Secrets You Should Know for Good Sexual Health
By Nmami Agarwal 12-Feb 2022 Reading Time: 5 Mins

As one ages their body also starts to undergo changes and this may affect the individual’s sexual health.
The decline in hormone levels and changes in the brain that alter mood may lead to a decline in the person’s capacity to perform sexually.
Even amongst the youth due to stress, lack of confidence, lack of communication skills and lesser desire may lead to one having poor sexual health.
As one matures their inhibitions towards sex decrease however their body starts deteriorating and not being able to function as their desires behold.
Treating such issues is now simpler with very some secrets one must keep in their mind:
1- Maintain good vascular health – Ultimately the process for men depends upon their blood flowing through their vessels, as such it is very important to make sure your heart is healthy, you have low blood pressure and you are free from any form of stress.
This holds for women also as they also require substantial blood flow in their nether regions for arousal. To maintain good vascular regular exercise is necessary. Partners also opt for Kegel exercise where the main focus lies on the pelvic muscles.
2- You and your partner’s fantasies – Every individual has his or her fantasy and that secret thing they want to try. The conversation between partners must be done smoothly.
New experiences with consent can help boost your confidence, mood and further interest will develop a firmer relationship between the partners.
3- Changing the environment – Couples that have been together for a while and now feel bored of their surroundings may try to break free from this routine. Getting out of your house and enjoying a trip to an exotic location helps bring back the drive and excitement that was lacking.
In a new environment, there are fewer things to care about and the ferocity that one may suppress is unleashed. It is important to be present at the moment and be free from the restraints of society & family. It may also help to redecorate your bedroom if not your house.
4- Trying out your new kinks – Innovation may be brought to the bedroom. Trying out new positions, sexual toys, more appealing lingerie and even outrageous concepts such as bondage and submission. All of this requires your partner’s consent and alleviates all your suppressed urges and desires.
5- To keep the professionalism seen by stars in videos out – Watching pornography may incite a desire to try out and follow what others show. This needs to be stopped, there is no need to follow others’ standards and only to look out how your partner feels. Sessions do not require timings and a record of how much.
6- Lubricants and protection – Out of fear and pain, one may stop performing any activity relating to their sexual health. Mental fears such as pregnancy, STIs, and even physical conditions such as dryness of the vagina and erectile dysfunction can be cured with the help of protection and lubricants.
Whatever ways you practice, don’t forget it’s a mutual process and journey of a lifetime with your partner!