A To Z of Health – “O” is to Optimize your Oral Hygiene
By Nmami Life Editorial 29-Jan 2020 Reading Time: 3 Mins

Oral hygiene is one of the important things to care in the body. Making oral health healthier is essential and requires a lifetime of care! Even if your oral health is nice and you have shiner and brighter teeth with strong gums, it’s imperative to pay heed towards the maintenance of oral health and to follow the right steps to uphold the health and prevent the problems.
Healthy oral health is extremely significant and cut down any bad smell while enhancing the life of your teeth. We bring you some of the benefits of the healthy oral health that will keep you motivated to enhance your oral health.
- Fewer dental cavities
- Less tooth mobility and tooth loss
- Retention of jaw bone integrity and size
- Fresh breath
- No unprotected tooth roots
- No gum collapse
- Reduced dental sensitivity
- Better overall health
Mindful of daily habits
- Don’t go to bed without brushing your teeth: Brushing before bed and in the morning can help you to get rid of the germs and avoid any plaque while leaving the bad smell accumulated throughout the day from the mouth.
- Don’t neglect your tongue: Tongue is one such important part of the mouth that we often neglect and not cleaning the tongue can lead to mouth odour and various other mouth problems.
- Teeth flossing as important as brushing: Teeth flossing at one time in a day is extremely important and it is considered as a significant way to clean the gums, diminish plaque, and comfort any inflammation in the area.
- Always use a mouthwash: Mouthwash has gained much momentum in the recent past. And why not! They have various benefits to our oral health. Mouthwash decreases the acid amount in our mouth while giving a perfect finishing to the teeth.
- Limit sugary and acidic foods: Sugary substances make harmful acids in the mouth which further tear down the enamel of your teeth and leads to cavities. Be mindful towards choosing such foods.
Oral hygiene is important and the above-written steps are some of the easy ways to achieve that. Various foods like chewing gums, lollipops and sweet dishes are extremely harmful for oral health and can even lead to tooth decay.
So, always be mindful towards what you choose to eat.
Be healthy and happy always! Stay tuned for other series.