Alcoholism And Health: Health Effects Of Chronic Heavy Drinking
By Nmami Agarwal 21-Apr 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins
![Alcoholism And Health: Health Effects Of Chronic Heavy Drinking](
We all know that regular drinking doesn’t do any good. But still some drink every day without thinking of its repercussions. Occasional drinking is acceptable, it even won’t cost you a fortune as long as it doesn’t become a habit. While many of us are vigilant enough to drink responsibly, some individuals don’t seem to get enough of it. From traffic crashes because of impaired drivers to domestic violence in homes, alcohol is the culprit in most of the cases. Not only can chronic drinking habits make you vulnerable but it can affect those who are connected to you.
Side Effects:
We all know that drinking alcohol regularly has a huge impact. Let’s have a look over side effects of chronic drinking:
- Liver fever: – One of the liver’s jobs is to flush the toxins but we all know it can go for so long. When we keep ingesting alcohol on a daily basis, our liver goes through a lot and has to suffer a great deal of damage. Eventually, you’ll end up having fatty liver disease which if not treated will proceed further to liver cirrhosis which is an irreversible condition and fatal in most cases.
- Heart health: – Alcohol can raise your blood pressure and if continued for a long time, it can make your heart pump poorly as a result you’ll get less oxygen in your tissues which can lead to various complications. Most of the heavy drinkers die from heart diseases.
- Brain burst: – Alcohol makes it harder to think and speak clearly as it can cross the blood-brain barrier and goes to the brain causing mayhem. It also affects your nervous system which can cause tremors. In this modern era of the world where communication is of utmost importance, alcohol is a big no no on a daily basis.
- Inferior Immunity: – Regular consumption of alcohol can make you susceptible to infections by suppressing your immune system. Heavy drinking creates chaos in your immune cells thus making them weaker and vulnerable.
- Digestive deterioration:- Alcohol, especially concentrated one, can disrupt the lining of your stomach (mucus) and give rise to so many problems like heartburn and ulcers. If not stopped, alcohol can destroy your stomach lining severely. Moreover, vitamins and minerals are poorly absorbed, especially vitamin B12 and vitamin D.
Having a glass of wine with your friends and family is completely fine and healthy entertainment, but making your stomach a drum for alcohol is a tenacious thing to do.