Bone’ Appetite: 5 Foods For Healthy Bones
By Nmami Agarwal 26-May 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Bones need no introduction, and neither does their importance. Humans have over 200 bones in their bodies, which seems like a complex thing to care for. Often they look like something innate and inanimate, it isn’t the case in reality. Caring for your bones is as crucial as anything else. If one bone is broken, the other bones around it get affected as well. Your usual appetite serves the bones in bits and parts, but we suggest you take extra efforts to keep them strong. Bringing to you four recipes that will make your bones happy. Bon Appetit!
What comes as a surprise is that only 2 nutrients are enough to carry the weight of the load on their shoulders. None other than calcium and vitamin d. We can improve our immune system and safeguard our bones by eating the correct balance of calcium and vitamin D rich foods. Many foods are now calcium and vitamin D fortified, making it simpler to reach our daily required consumption.
- Calcium fortified foods: – Begin your day with a double dose of calcium. Select a calcium-fortified cereal that is high in fiber (>3g) and low in sugar, then top with milk or a milk substitute. A cup of whole grain cereal with a cup of milk has 600 milligrams of calcium.
- Salmon: – This superfood is a win-win for those who have vulnerable bones as just a 3 ounce of wild caught salmon provides 100% of daily requirement of vitamin D. Not to mention the omega-3s that come along with vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids have proven to be brain boosters.
- Dark leafy green vegetables: – Include a variety of dark, leafy greens in your diet as they are healthiest sources of calcium. Spinach, kale, Swiss chard, etc. are just a few examples.
- Yogurt: – Probably the healthiest snack you can munch on. Yogurt has 100 mg of calcium per 90gm serving and is high in protein and beneficial bacteria to aid intestinal health. Choose nonfat yogurt for a filling and healthful snack, or Greek yogurt for added protein.
- Milk: – Almost all milk substitutes, whether almond, soy, cashew, or hemp milk, and milk itself are supplemented with both vitamin D and calcium. Almond milk contains up to 45 percent of your daily calcium needs and 25 percent of your daily vitamin D requirement.
Over to you:
Bones are strong, but the rigidity cannot be forever. Start feeding your bones to stay away from geriatrics. Besides, you don’t want someone to assist you in everything when you get old.