Debunking Health & Nutrition Myths
By Nmami Life Editorial 25-Aug 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Always find yourself stuck in the dilemma about what to eat or what not to eat? If so, don’t fret because you’re not alone. With so much information overload and choices available around us these days, it can be hard to decide and to know what to do and which information you can trust. Here we bring you top myths around health and nutrition that can affect your health. Read on to know more!
Myth – You can’t get enough protein on a vegan or vegetarian diet.
Fact – Vegetarians or vegans can also get enough proteins by having them in the right combination to get the complete protein like beans and rice, hummus and pita, buckwheat. Vegan protein sources should be included in the diet like soybean, soya paneer (tofu) or paneer, pulses and legumes like chickpea, horse gram and more.
Myth: Carbs are bad for diabetes.
Fact – It is not carbs itself, but the type of carb and the quantity of carb that you consume is significant for diabetes. Making complex carbs a part of your diet is always better than simple carbs. Complex carbs are high in fibre and get digested slowly making the person feel satiated for a longer period of time and managing blood sugar levels. Examples are whole grains, fibre rich foods like beans, carrots, berries, guava, apples and green leafy vegetables.
Myth: Choosing foods that are gluten-free will help you eat healthier.
Fact – A gluten-free diet is prescribed to treat people who have celiac disease or are sensitive to gluten. Gluten-free foods are not healthier if you don’t have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity/intolerance. Gluten is a protein found in wheat grains. If you avoid gluten anyway, you may not get the essential Vitamins, fiber, and minerals you need. A gluten-free diet is not a weight-loss diet or does not intend to help you lose weight.
Myth – Salads are best options while eating out.
Fact – Readily available salads are generally high in calories and contain high fat dressings. Try making salads at home and use variable combinations like beetroot-quinoa salad or berries-avocado salad. Any option which does not carry many calories and is nutrient dense is a good option to go for.
Myth – If the label is fat free, you can eat it without limitations.
Fact – Fat free labelled food may contain artificial sweeteners and additives which adversely affect your health. Flavourings agents or preservatives are definitely present to add to the product’s shelf life. Every food item will contain some amount of calories and some amount of fat and moreover, consuming in moderation should be the key.
It is best not to believe all the myths which you generally hear or read on the internet, rather consult a dietitian before you avoid a particular food item or completely eliminate a food group from your diet. Fads may not always be advantageous and long lasting!