Early Morning Rituals to stay Energetic All Day Long
By Nmami Agarwal 21-Oct 2021 Reading Time: 4 Mins

The activities during the morning affect the entire day. If your day starts at a hurried pace then you will be anxious throughout the day keeping up with that pace, but if you plan it out well and prepare strategically then no matter what happens you will stay till night falls. Energy is limited in the body and so is our mental capacity to work, hence a good start is required to last a stressful and hard day. So here are some rituals or habits for a perfect morning routine that needs the least amount of energy –
Waking up as you want – Adjust your sleep time with your work schedule, then decide on the time you would want to wake up at. A precise wake-up time is a good trick to have your brain pay attention and wake up at a specific moment. It is important to take note that we do not hit snooze as it will downplay all your morning activities. Ingraining a proper waking up time is necessary for a good start to the day.
Hydrate with water, not coffee – A stimulating coffee is quite necessary now in every working environment. It is the same at homes also as work is carried over. However, before that coffee goes in it is important to have that glass of water. As we sleep for a few hours our body water volumes are lowered, hence first that water needs to come in. It also helps add weight to your belly and help in your bowel movements.
Avoid checking your mobile – This device of convenience brings with it a special nuance. Updates of other people, work messages and stressful fact checks are not what one wants in the morning. Thus it is important to make sure your phone is away from you. This detox will also help you plan your day well.
An energetic breakfast – The energy for the whole day needs to come from the meal you have first in your day. This will bring you the energy needed during the day. It is important to have a good amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fibre. Avoiding food that is harder to digest like animal meat and oily food to focus on veggies is a smart choice.
Pre Plan your day – A schedule to follow rather than figuring out things in the morning is the better choice to preserve precious energy. An easy to follow and remember routine should be planned out. It is also necessary to give your body the time to adjust after waking up. Priority wise dealing of things also ensures a smooth flow of work.
Even though these are some of the basic tips one should keep in mind they show a lot of benefits to the people who do.