“Summer Diet” – All you need to know about it
By Nmami Agarwal 01-May 2021 Reading Time: 5 Mins

The blazing heat and the season of cool drinks are here! The season of summer brings along the risk of contamination and infection due to the escalating growth of viruses and bacteria and therefore a new alteration in your diet is quite imperative. Right from refreshing home-made drinks to light foods- the consumption of right and hydrated foods during summer is quite important to get going during this season healthily. Today, we bring you quick and easy summer diet tips that will keep you nourished, cool and calm during this season while decreasing the risk of various summer-related health ailments like typhoid, jaundice and diarrhoea.
Diet tips for summer
- The heat and humidity in summers take up all your energy. You feel more tired and exhausted. This happens because you are suffering from dehydration. Cooling down the body with water is crucial in summers. Make sure you always carry your own water bottle and refill it 6-7 times a day. Apart from this, you can also consume home-made buttermilk, coconut water, unstrained fruit and vegetable juices, unsweetened lemon juice to replenish the lost fluids in the body and to keep up your energy levels.
- Summer brings a variety of fruits and vegetables with it. This is the season of watermelons, mangoes, and lychees. Get at least 5 servings of varied colours of fruits and vegetables in a day. Fruits and veggies like papaya, guava, strawberries, plums, grapes, pineapple, melons, cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, squash and beans are rich in plenty of nutrients, low in calories and high in water content and are nutritious and fulfilling. You can have it in raw form, blend it in smoothies, or consume it in the form of salads.
- We all crave snacks once in a while. It is healthy and important. Yoghurt is rich in protein and calcium. It is a nutritious low-calorie food with several benefits. You can add chia seeds or sunflower seeds to a cup of yoghurt and eat it for breakfast or as a snack. Yoghurt helps in boosting your gut health while keeping it cool and healthy which decrease the risk of various health ailments and keep your skin supple.
- Food can easily spoil during the summer season. This happens because the temperature is suitable for the bacteria to grow and survive. Pay attention to cooked and raw foods. Always store food in the refrigerator and try to consume light and fresh foods during summer. Eat smaller meals at frequent intervals to avoid any digestive issues. Avoid both starving your body and binging too much.
- Refrain from consuming sugary foods and carbonated drinks that contain high levels of sugar. Excess sugar accumulates in the body and is stored as fat. It also alters blood pressure and cholesterol level which are potential threats to the body. Instead of consuming refined sugar, always pick up natural sugars, honey or jaggery powder to keep yourself in a fine fettle. Also, completely cut out the consumption of deeply fried food items to avoid any stomach and skin issues.
Summer is the perfect time to eat light, nutritious and refreshing food. Replace your cup of tea or coffee with refreshing juices, smoothies or coconut water to enjoy this season without any health glitches. Also, don’t stuff your body with too much food at a time.