6 enriching diet tips for a healthy prostate
By Nmami Agarwal 11-Mar 2023 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Prostate is a gland present in Men, it is located just below the bladder.
Prostate has many functions. It helps in releasing fluid that makes up 20-30% of the total semen volume. This fluid is rich in nutrients and gives an ideal environment for sperm cells to survive.
The urethra, a tube that carries urine and semen out of the body, passes through the prostate. Because the prostate surrounds this tube, prostate problems can affect urine flow.
Many lifestyle factors are responsible for a healthy prostate gland. Here are 6 dietary tips for a healthy prostate –
- Add more colors to your diet –
Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables of different colors helps to increase the antioxidant load that can fight against the free radicals formed in our body by curbing inflammation and other diseases that can affect the prostate.
For example, tomatoes are rich in lycopene that is anti-cancer in nature. Spinach has chlorophyll and vitamin A that is anti-inflammatory in nature. The phytonutrients, fiber and micronutrients in a rainbow diet help to maintain the health of prostate gland
- Add green tea to your diet
Opt for whole grain cereals and millets rather than refined products. Avoid sugary drinks and beverages, instead include green tea/ fruits or vegetable smoothies in your diet.
Research shows that three to five cups of green tea a day can reduce inflammation in the prostate gland. After a period of study, levels of kappa B, a protein linked with inflammation, were lower in men who had been drinking green tea regularly in comparison to those who had not.
- Limit red meat – add soy
Limit your consumption of red meat, including beef, pork, lamb, and goat, and processed meats. Fish, skinless poultry, beans, and eggs are healthier sources of protein. Also plant based protein sources like soy and its products have been known to prevent cancer.
- Avoid smoking and limit drinking alcohol
Research suggests that adverse effects of smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can be due to its effect on oxidative stress and immune-inflammatory response. Smoking has been associated with inflammation of the prostate gland. By quitting smoking, there is a chance of reducing the inflammation and maintaining the health of the prostate gland.
- Include good fats
Nuts like walnuts, almonds, pecans, brazil nuts are rich in omega 3 fats which has an anti-inflammatory effect and can help in maintaining the health of the prostate gland. Avocado is another source of good fat. Avoid/limit the saturated fat from the animal source and avoid trans fat from the processed foods.
- Include cruciferous vegetables in your diet
Research finding demonstrates that sulforaphane may be a safe, effective, and powerful way to prevent and treat prostate cancer. Further studies show that glucosinolates found in cruciferous vegetables can help: Protect cells by inactivating carcinogens and decreasing inflammation. Control abnormal cell growth.
So have more cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage in your diet for a healthy prostate.
Apart from these dietary tips, invest your time in a minimal of 30 min physical activity daily. Also include yoga and pranayama to destress. All these important lifestyle inclusions can go a long way in preventing disease such as enlarged prostate/prostate cancer.