7 Basic First Aid Principles Everyone Must Know Today

By      12-Sep 2023       Reading Time: 6 Mins

7 Basic First Aid Principles Everyone Must Know Today


First aid is a vital skill that can make a significant difference in an emergency situation. Whether you’re at home, work, or out in the community, knowing the basics of first aid can help save lives. In this blog, we’ll explore seven essential first aid principles that everyone should be familiar with. These principles are easy to learn and can be applied to various situations, from minor injuries to more serious incidents.


1. Assess the Situation:

Before you can provide effective first aid, it’s crucial to assess the situation carefully. Ensure your safety first and then evaluate the injured person and the surroundings. Look for potential hazards or dangers that could harm you or the victim. Determine the cause of the injury, the number of casualties, and whether professional help is needed. This initial assessment will help you make informed decisions about the best course of action.


2. Call for Help:

In many emergency situations, calling for professional medical assistance is the first and most crucial step. Dial emergency services immediately if the injury is severe, or if you are unsure of how to handle the situation. Provide the dispatcher with accurate information about the location, the nature of the injury, and the number of people involved. Remember, it’s better to call for help early rather than waiting until it’s too late.


3. Ensure Safety:

Once you’ve assessed the situation and called for help, ensure the safety of both yourself and the victim. Remove any immediate dangers, such as moving a person away from a burning building or securing a hazardous area. Make sure you and the injured person are out of harm’s way before proceeding with first aid.


4. ABCs of First Aid:

The ABCs of first aid stand for Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. These are the three vital functions that need to be assessed in an injured person:


  1. Airway: Ensure that the person’s airway is clear and open. Tilt the head backward and lift the chin to open the airway if needed.


  1. Breathing: Check for signs of breathing, such as chest rise and fall. If the person is not breathing, start CPR immediately if you are trained to do so.


  1. Circulation: Assess for a pulse or signs of circulation. If the person has no pulse, start chest compressions as part of CPR.


5. Control Bleeding:

One of the most common first aid scenarios is dealing with bleeding. To control bleeding, apply direct pressure to the wound using a clean cloth, bandage, or your hand if necessary. Elevate the injured area if possible, as this can help reduce blood flow. Remember to wear gloves or use a barrier like plastic wrap to protect yourself from potential bloodborne pathogens.


6. Treat for Shock:

Shock is a potentially life-threatening condition that can occur after a severe injury or trauma. Symptoms include rapid breathing, pale or clammy skin, and confusion. To treat for shock, keep the person lying down with their legs elevated (unless there is a spinal injury). Cover them with a blanket to maintain body temperature and reassure them until professional help arrives.


7. Basic Wound Care:

For minor injuries like cuts and scrapes, cleaning and covering the wound are essential steps. Rinse the wound with clean water, apply an antiseptic, and cover it with a sterile dressing or bandage. Change the dressing regularly to prevent infection and promote healing.



These seven basic first aid principles are fundamental for everyone to know and can be applied in various emergency situations. Being prepared and having the knowledge and skills to provide first aid can make a significant difference in the outcome of an injury or medical crisis. Remember that professional medical assistance is crucial, so always call for help when needed. By following these principles, you can become a valuable asset in your community, ready to assist in times of need.



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