Health Challenges of the Decade by WHO- #8 Under-investment in Healthcare
By Nmami Agarwal 27-Jan 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

As the New Year kicked off, the World Health Organization (WHO) listed the most urgent challenges of the new decade. Under investment in healthcare was found to be in the eighth position. For moving a step forward towards development, committing to spend towards healthcare helps countries to pave the path for the same. People who are healthy will be more efficient and more productive and in turn will contribute more towards national prosperity.
WHO says they believe that health is a human right. In the middle income countries, nearly half of the cost of healthcare is paid out of the pocket by patients, while health services in high-income countries are funded predominantly with public money.
Talking about health care, the major pillar which plays a crucial role are the health workers. Health workers around the world are often overworked, underpaid and even not recognised and respected for the work that they do, which has led to a worldwide shortage of healthcare professionals, placing both health care systems and people at risk. To keep global health care systems afloat, the world requires an additional 18 million health care workers by the end of this decade.
Investing in healthcare is always a smart decision and now it’s no longer just a choice but definitely our need.
Primary health care makes populations healthier. It includes a range of health services, such as screening and treatment for common diseases, preventative care like vaccination and dissemination of the right health information, and treatment for common, non-serious ailments like cold and flu. Good primary health care services should be affordable, and provided close to where people live and work so that there is no loss of their livelihood and they are able to take advantage of the basic health facilities.
While just investing is not the only way to feel that the duty has been done. Recognising the problem area where there is an immediate and huge requirement of investment is also a big task. Addressing challenges could be easy but addressing the right and immediate challenges is what we need. Government is spending on health but what we have to be cautious about is how efficiently this funding is utilized and are there enough desired results showing up.
Over to you
While investing more in the health care system should also pay attention to factors like affordability and availability of health care services for the local people. Robust primary health care systems are the fairest and affordable means to meet the health challenges we face today.