Here’s a List of the Common Signs & Symptoms A Woman Faces Before Hitting Menopause
By Nmami Life Editorial 20-May 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

What is menopause?
The women between the age of 40 and 58 years generally suffer from menopause and this stage is described as the end of menstrual cycles. Menopause consists of three stages which are known as perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. During this phase, your body stopped making two hormones name as estrogen and progesterone which is required for fertility. Menopause is a natural process that comes with age but it can also happen due to some medical surgeries or some treatments. There are various physical symptoms of menopause such as heated body, night sweats, vaginal dryness, sleep disturbances, discomfort and various emotional changes.
Many women won’t notice any symptoms or difficulties during menopause but others find the beginnings and symptoms of perimenopause extremely devastating and disturbing. Here are some common signs and symptoms that women suffer before hitting the menopause.
- Hot flashes: Many women feel hot flashes as a basic symptom of menopause. Hot flashes are basically a feeling of heat and burning sensation in the upper or overall body. Many women even feel redness and sweat on the face and neck as a symptom of menopause. These hot flashes can be mild or can be strong and can even wake you up from sleep. As per the researches, it can last between 30 seconds and 10 minutes. Hot flashes can also be experienced after the menopause but their intensity decreases over time.
- Insomnia or problems sleeping: A lot of women suffer from sleepless nights or insomnia as a menopausal symptom. It is quite difficult to sleep due to the outbursts of physical symptoms in the body. Sleep deprivation can even disrupt the symptoms of menopause and to achieve optimal health, it is quite important to sleep seven to eight hours at night. To divert your mind from the symptoms and to get the proper sleep at night, try some meditation and yoga and minimise the usage of computer or cell phone before sleeping.
- Frequent urination: Frequent urination is one of the common signs and symptoms of menopause. It is quite common that women drop control of their bladder before and during the menopause and due to this woman can feel frequent urination or can also suffer pain during urination. As per doctors, this happens due to the weakening of tissues in the vagina and the nearby pelvic muscles during menopause. To combat this situation- try to cut back the consumption of alcohol, keep yourself hydrated, and do follow kegel exercises to toughen your pelvic floor.
- Vaginal dryness: Due to the less production of estrogen and progesterone in the body, the walls of the vagina become weak and lose its moisture as well. There are various signs for it including itching nearby the vulva, irritation and burning. To avoid further complications, consult to a doctor or try using vaginal moisturizer.
Above written are some of the common signs and symptoms that women face before menopause. Some of the symptoms end with time but if it continues, try consulting a doctor.