How to Improve Your Memory
By Nmami Life Editorial 01-Apr 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

With the older age and plenty of work, most of us often experience poor memory. Obviously, this process is normal but it gives you irritation and frustrating vibes. But there are various ways which are effective in boosting memory. So, next time when you start forgetting your keys, important tests, or any information, start adding these ways in your lifestyle and you will definitely notice great results in your memory.
No, we are not talking about the reminders and to-do list. Here, we are talking about natural ways that can do actual wonders in improving your memory. These effective ways not only improve memory but also increase retention of information. So, add these simple ways in your lifestyle and say bye-bye to poor memory.
- Add nuts to your diet: You have heard this from your grandma that a handful of almonds in the morning can boost your memory and attention. Well, that’s true! Nuts are a powerhouse of nutrients. It is packed with omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin E and magnesium that can effectively enhance your memory. Add a handful of walnuts and almonds in your diet to get the effective results. You can also add it in your smoothies, over your salads and soups. Various studies have shown that regular consumption of these nuts is extremely beneficial for cognitive health.
- Make time for Meditation: Meditation is like giving rest and peace to the mind which not only de-stress your mind but also improves memory like no other. Meditation is soothing and relaxing for both the mind and body and impact cognitive health in a great way. Early morning meditation for about 30-45 minutes on a regular basis is also good for your overall health and well-being. It can lower down the blood cholesterol levels, reduce stress and any inflammations in the body.
- Get enough sleep: Not getting enough sleep is one of the great causes of less and dull memory. Sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining cognitive health and it can alter the memories and even leads to bad concentration. People who are sleep deprived often feel irritated, annoyed, and won’t be able to remember things. So, if you want great cognitive health try to get a good night sleep of at least 8 hours.
- Train your brain: Playing mind boosting games is fun and de-stress your mind and boost cognitive health like nothing other. Crosswords, word-recall games, chess are some games that can easily strengthen your memory. These games challenge your brain which helps it to think differently and that is how it uplifts the memory.
- Yoga and exercise: Yoga and exercises are a great way to enhance your memory effectively. Regular practice of yoga and exercises can de-stress your mind and also reduce the risk of various diseases. It gives a punch of fresh vibes to your mind which helps in building up stronger cognitive health. So, don’t forget to add an exercise routine of 30-45 minutes in your lifestyle.
These are some of the easy to do and funny ways to improve your memory in no time. Do add it in your lifestyle and let us know what else you do to boost your brain health.