Hypothyroidism: Myths & Facts
By Nmami Agarwal 30-Oct 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

Hypothyroidism- a condition in which thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland sits at the front of your neck and releases hormones to help your body regulate and use energy. It is responsible for providing energy to almost every organ of your body. Without the right amount of thyroid hormones, your body’s natural functions begin to slow down. Early symptoms can include, gain of weight and fatigue.
Other symptoms include:
- Depression.
- Constipation.
- Feeling cold.
- Dry, and thinning of hair.
- Dry skin.
- Muscle weakness.
- Slowed heart rate.
- Pain and stiffness in joints.
- Fertility difficulties or menstrual changes
- Puffy and sensitive face.
Hypothyroidism is looked like an easy to treat disease, but in reality- it’s quite complex and in many cases, it might need a number of different approaches to successfully diagnose it. Just like this, there are multiple myths attached to hypothyroidism, read on to find out how many of them are actually true.
- Myth: It is impossible to lose weight with hypothyroidism.
- Myth: If you have thyroid disease, you will have bulged eyes.
- Myth: If you have a thyroid problem, you will know it.
- Myth: Any hormone problem post the age of 40 means menopause.
- Myth: One must take iodine supplements or iodine-containing herbs while suffering from thyroid dysfunction.
- Myth: If you have a nodule, then you might have cancer.
Fact: For a person dealing with hypothyroidism, especially in their late 30’s or 40’s- it might be difficult to lose weight as the metabolism slows down and the extra kilos pile up. But, if your dosage is appropriate- it might not be very difficult for you to lose weight.
Fact: Sometimes with Graves’ disease(the most common form of hypothyroidism), your eyes to bulge and if you smoke- it can further increase the risk of developing this disease. But only 10-20% of the patients dealing with Graves’ disease have severe eye disease.
Fact: The symptoms of thyroid are commonly shared by various other ailments too. Fatigue, irritability, hot or cold sensitivity- overlap with other medical conditions, hence, diagnosing thyroid can be a little tricky.
Fact: Hormonal symptoms like irregular menstrual periods, mood fluctuations, abnormal sleep cycle, and hold flashes- are usually linked to menopause. But sometimes, changes in female hormones can affect the thyroid function. So, while you fix your appointment with the endocrinologist, make sure that you mention all the things briefly.
Fact: Thyroid is but a result of deficiency of iodine in the body. But taking iodine supplements without consulting the doctor can actually make your thyroid worse. You can get plenty of it in eggs, and pink salt already. So, do not believe everything that you read on the internet. Consult the doctor.
Fact: If there’s a nodule on your thyroid gland, then that might not necessarily by cancer. For only 5% of the people with thyroid nodules develop cancer. A thyroid biopsy will make it clear.
Over to you.
Every disease has some myths attached to it, which needs to be debunked. It’s important to stay well-informed if you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism or any other ailment. Let your doctor be the jury to read and understand what’s the best way forward towards combating your disease.