International Infection Prevention Week- Make Sure to Stick to these Preventive Tips
By Nmami Life Editorial 17-Oct 2020 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Coronavirus pandemic has taught the world the significance of preventing infections, and infection preventionists(IPs) to keep the world safe. Hence, this October 18th-24th, International Infection Prevention Week (IIPW) will highlight the importance of infection prevention and the role that healthcare professionals, consumers, and organisations can play in order to prevent infections and promote health. To know more about this year’s IIPW, read on.
- IPs are patient safety experts who work to prevent infections in healthcare facilities like hospitals and nursing homes.
- IIPW is an annual awareness campaign organized by APIC(Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology) to highlight the significance of infection prevention. To recognize the labour of IPs, the theme for IIPW 2020 is #WeLoveIPs.
- “COVID-19 has shown the world how crucial IPs are in keeping our communities safe. During IIPW, APIC will lead efforts to recognize and celebrate the critically important work of IPs,” said APIC 2020 President, Connie Steed.
- During this year’s IIPW, APIC will post IP stories and shareable social media content so nurses, doctors, and patients can thank IPs for their vital contributions to public health.
- APIC is releasing a special edition of the 5 Second Rule podcast and is hosting a Twitter chat (#IIPWChat) on Tuesday, October 20 at 12 pm ET to discuss the IP’s role and how we can work together to prevent COVID-19 and the seasonal flu.
Tips on preventing infections.
The best way to combat the action of pathogens is by following good personal hygiene habits, which includes:
- Washing your hands properly. Use soap and clean water to wash your hands. Rub it in between your palms, at the back of your hands, in between fingers, and under your nails- for about 20 seconds. Dry it using a clean towel.
- Cover and cough/sneeze. Use a tissue to cover your nose and mouth, then dispose of it into a dustbin with its lid on. In case of the unavailability of a tissue, cough or sneeze into your elbow, instead of hands.
- Wash and bandage all cuts.
- Do not pick at healing wounds, blemishes, or pimples.
- Avoid sharing dishes, glasses, or eating utensils with others.
- Avoid direct contact with towels or napkins used by others.
- Wash your fruits and vegetables before eating them.
- Include vitamin-C in your diet to boost immunity.
- Have more warm drinks.
Over to you
Preventing infections at an early stage is important, as it can place a burden on the healthcare systems of the economy and world. Recognizing the role of infection preventionists is crucial at all times. Let’s do our bit of making infection prevention sustainable for a better today and tomorrow.