International No Diet Day: Don’t Fall For Fad Diets
By Nmami Agarwal 06-May 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Fad diets are so unnecessary that the National Eating Disorders Association had to start a movement and dedicate an entire day for the rejection of these diets.
A fad diet is anything and everything that claims to achieve unrealistic goals in a short period of time. Or maybe just any diet that goes against the diet culture and does not even meet the dietary recommendations.
Fad diets may come and go but what they do to your body might not be impressive after they are out. The International No Diet Day celebrates the acceptance of all body shapes and sizes, diversity and gives a message to not fall for any fad diet.
Following a fad diet just because you don’t love the way you look and you want to lose weight faster than it naturally is done, is not a safe way to go about. Often these diets influence people to either eliminate some nutrients, eat some nutrients more than they are required, or eat during specific hours only. They might show some effects on your body temporarily but can take a negative toll on overall health.
Focusing on one nutrient and its excess will lead you to many chronic illnesses like diabetes, high cholesterol, lung diseases, etc. whereas limiting your nutrient intake can push the body into a state of deterioration. Restricting your body of food can even create boundaries in the mind and make it wander. Fad diets may look fancy and easy but are not friendly for both body and the mind.
A well-balanced diet is what has been the ultimate way to become a healthy and fit individual. Including all sorts of foods- whole foods, fats, proteins, carbohydrates, and different vitamins, is necessary for the body to function ideally. Instead of controlling a nutrient, we should try to control the portions to achieve more realistic goals. A plate with controlled portions of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is a completely balanced diet for a healthy body and mind. Include fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables, nuts, cereal pulse combinations like rice and dal for protein, try different cooking oils, and have simple meals within intervals.
You don’t need any expensive products which claim ‘weight loss’ on their packet. All you need to stay fit is a meal that has all the nutrients in the required quantities according to the dietary recommendations and regular exercise.
Lastly, being healthy is not governed by the way you look, being skinny or fitting into societal expectations does not mean that you are fit internally too. Don’t be insecure about the shape and size laid by society and beware of all the fad diets. Every body is beautiful and you must look after your body as the ancestors have been doing it for ages.
It’s simple: if you disturb the body’s requirements, the body unwillingly would give it back to you. Be cautious of what, when, and how much you feed your body.