Know Your Numbers for a Healthy Heart
By Nmami Life Editorial 13-Feb 2020 Reading Time: 7 Mins

Nowadays we are all surrounded by important numbers such as phone, PIN (Personal Identification Number) number, number of a debit card, credit card and many others as well. But when it comes to our health, there are a variety of numbers one should know by heart. One should know the facts of healthy heart numbers in order to prevent diseases and to attain a healthy heart. So, to make you hale and hearty we bring you some of the important numbers that you should definitely swear by for a healthy heart! Just give a quick read and make your heart health under control.
- Blood Pressure: Normal blood pressure must range between 120/80 millimetres of mercury (mm Hg). The upper number depicts the pressure when a person’s heart is contracting to push blood into the lungs and body. The lower number is the pressure when a person’s heart is relaxing and refilling with blood. When the heart muscle pump harder to do its function properly in the body the blood pressure starts rising above 120/80 mm Hg leading to high blood pressure or hypertension. High blood pressure can damage the artery walls. To prevent it, limit the consumption of salt in your diet and try to consume less than 2,300 milligrams (mg) per day (about a half-teaspoon). You can also do some lifestyle changes like brisk walking for at least 30 minutes a day. Incorporate foods that are packed in high potassium like bananas, spinach, and baked potato, to lower the effects of sodium. If your levels of blood pressure are too high, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
How to measure Blood Pressure- Digital Monitor or Sphygmomanometer
- LDL cholesterol: Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is a primary form of fat circulating in the bloodstream that can be ended up deposited in artery walls. LDL cholesterol is known as the bad cholesterol. An ideal LDL level must be no higher than 100 milligrams per decilitre (mg/dL) and certainly less than 130 mg/dl. The amount of LDL and other fats in the blood can be diagnosed with a basic blood test. According to doctor recommendations, one must have this test every five years starting at the age of 20. You can also cut out certain foods from your diet to lower down the LDL cholesterol like processed meat, butter, fried foods, and processed foods like cookies, pastries and French fries for effective results.
How to measure LDL- Lipid Profile Blood Test
- HDL Cholesterol: High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is also known as good cholesterol as it helps in removing other bad forms of cholesterol from the bloodstream. There are lower risks for heart risks when HDL levels are high. The recommended value of HDL levels in man is 60 milligrams per decilitre (mg/dL) or above and if the levels are less than 40 mg/dl then the situation is considered as risky. And the recommended value of HDL levels in the case of women is 60 mg/dL or above and if the levels are less than 50 mg/dL then the situation is considered as risky. You can add various foods like oatmeal, nuts, vegetable oils, and fatty fish to enhance the levels of HDL cholesterol.
How to measure HDL- Lipid Profile Blood Test
- Triglycerides: Triglycerides are another form of fat from the food one eats that circulates in the blood and resulted in coronary heart diseases, especially in women. Increase in consumption of simple carbohydrates such as sugars, whitebread, baked goods, and alcohol gives rise in triglycerides. Triglycerides levels are usually measured whenever a person undergoes a blood test called lipid profile.
How to measure Triglycerides- Lipid Profile Blood Test
Pulse Rate: Our pulse rate is our heart rate or the number of times our heartbeats in one minute. Pulse rates can vary from person to person. Our pulse is lower when we are at rest and starts increasing when we do exercise as more oxygen-rich blood is needed by the body while exercising. The normal levels of heart rates in children (age 6to 15) range between 70-100 beats per minute and in the case of adults (age 18 and above) it is between 60-100 beats per minute with average being 70-80 bpm. Highly trained athletes may have a resting heart rate below 60 bpm, sometimes reaching 40 bpm.
How to measure Pulse Rate- Manually
The above-written heart health numbers are based on the recommended scientific standards. A person should take care of their heart-healthy numbers to avoid any cardiovascular risk and diseases.