March 10 5 Golden Rules You Should Follow to Protect Your Kidneys
By Nmami Agarwal 10-Mar 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

The kidneys are the organs that play an essential part in the filtering of waste from our bodies. They remove toxins from the blood, control the water level in our body, regulate blood pressure and help in the production of blood cells. The functioning of kidneys can decline with improper lifestyle and this adversely affects our health. Most kidney diseases show no symptoms in their early stages, thus it makes it difficult to identify them. This makes it necessary to always be aware of our kidney’s health, and this can be done by following these 5 golden rules –
1. Drinking water regularly – It is necessary to always remain hydrated. Kidneys regulate the metabolism of our bodies by adjusting the water level. The wastes like urea which are filtered along with excess salts are periodically removed from the body in the form of urine. Frequently hydrating yourself will help control the concentration of urine. Precaution should be taken and drinking excess water at once should be avoided, this is due to the development of hyponatremia. In this condition, the body starts retaining water and may lead to hospitalisation. Fruits and vegetables rich in fibre and known for their juiciness must be included in your diet.
2. Being active – It is necessary to stay active to be fit and healthy. This is necessary for maintaining ideal blood pressure. It also helps boost the immune system. It also helps the kidneys regulate the filtering of the wastes from the body and blood.
3. A healthy diet – Healthy eating is a must for maintaining good health. To keep the kidneys in a good condition it is necessary to limit your sodium salt intake, to 5 grams per day. This includes processed foods and packaged eatables. Foods with high water content should also be a part of our diet.
4. Blood pressure control – It is necessary to regularly check the blood pressure. High blood pressure damages the kidneys and coupled with conditions like hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases can lead to the development of chronic kidney diseases. To prevent the use of dialysis, it is mandatory to control and maintain artery health in the body.
5. Avoiding alcohol, smoking and over-the-counter drugs – Smoking lowers the blood circulation rate which means the blood filtering through the kidney is slowed down. This leads to a lowering of the kidney’s functioning. Smoking also introduces toxins in the circulatory that are often not filtered by the kidneys. Over the counter pain killers and anti-inflammatory medication harm the kidneys upon use. The blood flow is reduced along with permanent damage to kidney tissues. Thus it is recommended to avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Kidney diseases are tough to detect in their initial stages, thus it is recommended to follow and practise guidelines that ensure better kidney health for a healthy life.