March 4: Here is a List of Essential Nutrients To Boost Your Overall Health
By Nmami Agarwal 04-Mar 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Nutrients classified as “essential” are necessary for our body as they are not produced by themselves and in insufficient amounts. Yet, they find their use in bodily functions such as growth, repair, and maintenance. Essential nutrients, classified into two categories:
macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients are necessary for providing us with the fuel to work, and in the growth of our body, it includes protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Smaller doses of micronutrients are beneficial for the body and consist of vitamins and minerals. These five groups along with water are a part of essential nutrients needed to boost our overall health. Let us get to know these nutrients better –
1- Protein – The main function of proteins is to repair and build most of the tissues of our body. Proteins are responsible for other substances like hormones and antibodies, which regulate our organs and immune system. Our body can create many proteins on its own. However, many essential proteins only come from plant and animal sources to boost our overall health. It is required to have a complete portion of proteins in our diet.
2- Carbohydrate – It is the only fuel source for the brain and the primary energy source for our body. Carbohydrates break down to give sugars that are necessary to run our body and protection against diseases. Healthy sources include whole grains, fiber-rich vegetables, and fruits. For individuals on the lookout for increasing weight, avoid refined grains, sugar, and processed products.
3- Fat – It is another energy source for our body, dominating its requirement during our infant phases. It also finds its importance in vitamin and mineral absorption, cell growth, and muscle movement. Healthy fats are a necessity for the proper functioning of our brain and heart. Sources rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids like fish, nuts, and seeds are recommended to be a part of your diet.
4- Vitamins – Helping our body maintain its optimal state and for the proper functioning of physiological functions. It is necessary to have thirteen vitamins as a part of our diet. It also boosts our immune system which, can be obtained from a variety of foods and supplements.
5- Minerals – It enables necessary metabolism processes and bodily functions. They are required components of our body included as key parts in various mechanisms. They can only be obtained from external sources like vegetables, dairy, and meat.
6- Water – It is the most important medium for all activities in our body and also as conducting source for different metabolites. It is recommended to drink twelve cups of water daily.
For optimum growth, a well-functioning body, and prevention of diseases, it is good to include these nutrients in your diet.