Premature Ejaculation: Here’s Everything You Need to Know
By Nmami Life Editorial 02-Mar 2020 Reading Time: 5 Mins

What is premature ejaculation?
During the time of sexual intercourse, the early discharge of semen (sooner than your partner) from the penis is known as premature ejaculation (PE). Premature ejaculation is a kind of sexual dysfunction and has become common nowadays. Many men who suffer from PE age between 18 to 59 and various doctors said that every one in three men experiences from premature ejaculation at some point in time. Premature ejaculation is also termed as rapid ejaculation, premature climax and early ejaculation.
Premature ejaculation is further divided into two categories:
Lifelong PE (primary) which means you have been experiencing this from the time of your first intercourse.
Acquired PE (secondary) means your ejaculations were normal and lasting during your sexual intercourse but you have recently experience Premature Ejaculation.
Causes of Premature ejaculation
Various researches suggest that a lot of psychological or emotional factors are responsible for premature ejaculation. These factors can be temporary and get fade away with time and age. For example, early sexual experiences can be a reason for experiencing premature ejaculation but it can get resolved as soon as a person gets older and get in touch with a lot of sexual encounters.
Similarly, PE can become an issue for an older person as erection might be a problem for an older person.
Premature Ejaculation can be caused by other factors like:
- Poor body image
- Depression
- Sexual abuse
- Worrying about sexual performance
- Thinking about ejaculating too early
- Anxiety about low or no sexual experience
- Problems in the current relationship
- Stress
When to look for help
If PE happens once or twice then there is nothing to worry about. But if you are experiencing it from a longer period of time then you should definitely talk to a doctor.
Seek the advice of a doctor if PE:
- Has been occurred a lot of times and is becoming a relationship problem
- Take your confidence level down while making you feel self-conscious
- Keeps you away from intimate relationships
How to treat premature ejaculation
PE can be treated by incorporating some variations in your sexual routine and intercourse. Various researches said that masturbating before an hour can help in delaying the ejaculation during the time of sexual intercourse. Engaging in different types of sexual activity while playing with your partner before sexual intercourse can also help you in delaying the ejaculation while relieving the mental pressure of good performance during the sexual contact.
Various researches suggest that various pelvic floor exercises can help in PE as it strengthens the stamina and helps in relaxing the tensed mind and muscles which can be a significant reason for premature ejaculation.
Premature ejaculation is something that is very common and can also be overcome by various therapies and medications. Try to talk to your partner about this to resolve the issue faster. Don’t take too much pressure as it can cause stress which can even lead to rapid ejaculation. Try to talk to a doctor if you have been experiencing it from a long time.