The Importance of ORS and Usage to Prevent Dehydration
By Nmami Agarwal 29-Jul 2021 Reading Time: 6 Mins

Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) is a sugar and electrolyte solution used to treat dehydration in our body. It is the best source of treatment for diarrheal diseases. Having diarrhea can also create a slightly acidic environment in the body which will cause great damage to your cells. So, with great doses of glucose and electrolytes such as sodium chloride, potassium chloride and sodium citrate, ORS assists in formulating a base that counters the acid. You could rehydrate using intravenous solutions (injected directly into the blood) but ORS is far easier to work with as you simply drink it!
Do you know how ORS works in your body? The glucose present in ORS works by enhancing the absorption of sodium and fluids in the intestines. The two are carried across the wall of the small intestine together via a mechanism called ‘The sodium-glucose co transport mechanism.’ The toxins which can cause diarrheal diseases, such as food poisoning, increase secretion of water into the small intestine, but don’t block water uptake by this sodium-glucose transport mechanism. So ORS doesn’t cure the problems like diarrhea, but it will rehydrate you, enhance your energy levels to fight with the symptoms.
Importance of ORS:
ORS solution has proved to be beneficial to our body in many ways like:
- Excellent for Dehydration: ORS is a combination of sugar and water with electrolytes and has benefits for those suffering from dehydration. When the body loses excess glucose or when dehydration leads to loss of salts from the body, consuming ORS drinks can help to restore the lost salts and glucose. This helps to replenish the body with required minerals and electrolytes, which might get lost during any illness.
- Helps Reduce Fatigue & Weakness: The main reason behind the occurrence of fatigue and weakness in the body is due to the loss of fluids from our body. This loss of fluids makes you feel dizzy and even sometimes you may feel sleepy. By drinking ORS you can reduce fatigue and weakness easily due to its primary role of replenishing fluids into the body to make you feel active and energized.
- Fights against Diarrhoea: ORS can help prevent and treat dehydration and also reduces other complications which are commonly seen in those suffering from diarrhea. In diarrhea, the body loses salts and fluids which can be restored with the help of an ORS drink. The ORS solution contains sugar as well which helps the intestine to absorb these salts and electrolytes easily and efficiently.
- Beneficial for Athletes: Athletes work tremendously day and night to give their best results. They sweat a lot while practicing on the field, training, or working out in the gym. Consuming rehydration drinks can make an athlete feel active and help improve performances which can otherwise deteriorate due to loss of energy caused due to loss of electrolytes. It also keeps an athlete safe from injury.
ORS: Usage to Prevent Dehydration
ORS can be given to someone suffering with mild to moderate dehydration including kids over the course of 3-4 hours. ORS can be given to breastfeed kids in between feedings. Taking sips of ORS every 5 minutes is the appropriate way to get effective results.
Here is how you can prepare ORS:
Take a clean container and add the contents of the ORS packet in it. Always, refer to the packet to know the correct amount of water to add. The correct doses of water is extremely important as too little water can even worsen the symptoms of diarrhoea. Stir and feed!
Make sure that you do not mix milk, soup, fruit juice or soft drinks to the ORS powder and only mix it with water. Also, there is no need to add additional sugar or salt to the solution. A mixture that is diluted (with more than 1 litre of clean water) is safe to drink.
ORS is the most effective hydrating solution which can be prepared instantly and acts immediately against weakness, fatigue, and dehydration. Extreme illnesses like Diarrhea can also be treated with the consumption of ORS. In case of severe dehydration, take the doctor’s help immediately.