This New Year Make Health a Priority
By Nmami Agarwal 02-Jan 2022 Reading Time: 4 Mins

Whatever is your New Year’s resolution, health should be on top of the list. We all know that ‘Health is wealth and it needs to be treasured’. But we get so busy with our personal & professional life that our health takes a back seat. We have been dealing with pandemic with a lot of caution and it has taught us a great lesson to prioritize our well-being.
Implement these simple suggestions in 2022 and see a healthier you:-
1- Incorporate small changes – One step slowly at a time. There are no miracles happening!
Don’t make extraordinary changes in your life at one go. List down things which you can actually do! Your health goals have to be realistic which can be followed in your lifetime. Tiny steps like preparing a diet plan, not skipping meals, and drinking lots of water are easy ways to start gaining control of your health.
2- Don’t hurry up – You can’t lose weight in a day. Even earth takes 365 days to complete a year. Here we are talking about our body which is already conditioned by our habits. Be patient and get accustomed to a certain diet and then change it as needed depending on the requirement of your health.
3- Develop Healthy mind – A healthy mind leads to a healthy body. Mental stress effects are body’s vital organs. Untreated mental conditions like depression, anxiety and certain behavioral issues need to be addressed immediately. Start your day with yoga & meditation to have a relaxing day. Nuts, eggs, fish, dark chocolate, avocado, strawberries, chamomile tea, green tea, yogurt, turmeric milk, etc., are some of the health foods that help in reducing stress.
4- Sleep well – Our body cells repair themselves during sleep. It is recommended to get 8hrs of rest. During the day take a short power nap so that your body & mind feel fresh to function throughout the day.
5- Give away temptations – Our mind is so vulnerable to try new things which might go against health goals. Control your desires whether it’s to have a pastry, that extra scoop of ice-cream, to smoke or drink alcohol. Practice self-control to stay away from temptations.
6- Exercise daily – No matter in which part of the world you are, don’t skip your daily workout. Even 15 minutes are enough for some light warm up to increase the blood circulation and keep the body flexible.
Focusing on well being is a commitment and living a healthy life is the new normal. The magic will start only when you are consistent.