This World First Aid Day, Learn the Basics of First Aid
By Nmami Agarwal 11-Sep 2021 Reading Time: 6 Mins

First aid kit-the small and easily accessible way of medication should be there with everybody, be it in cars, homes, purses. A first-aid kit is a saviour when in a helpless situation. It might be possible to not find a chemist shop around or any hospital, for the time being, you can always take the help of the first aid kit to treat the wound immediately and then hurry to get the medical help needed. First aid means the immediate assistance given to the person suffering from minor injuries or is feeling uneasy to prevent the condition from worsening. A first aid kit usually is a box or pouch with a cross sign on it and also it comes in various sizes containing all the required tools and medicines.
Here are the basics of first aid that will definitely help:
The basic method of DRSABCD
DRSABCD is the basic and effective method of first aid. Each letter in this word stands for the actions to take when first aid is required. Make sure to stick to the DRSABCD action plan while giving first aid.
DRSABCD stands for:
- Danger – make sure that the area you are in and the persons surrounding you including the patient is always safe. Ensure that you do not put yourself or anyone in danger while giving first aid.
- Response – Always check that the patient is conscious? Try to seek a response from the patient- ask their name, touch their hands or squeeze their shoulder.
- Send for help – call triple zero (000), if the patient does not respond. Don’t leave the patient alone.
- Airway – Check the person’s airway (mouth and throat). Is the person breathing? If there is any material stuck inside, roll the patient on their side and try to clear the airway. If there is no material stuck in the airway, leave them in the position you find them in and gently tilt their head back and lift their chin to clear the airway.
- Breathing – After 10 seconds check if the person is breathing abnormally or not breathing at all. If the person is breathing normally, put him in the recovery position and stay with them. If the person still does not come down to normal breathing, call an ambulance and start CPR.
- CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) – Start CPR: 30 chest compressions followed by 2 breaths. Continue CPR until the patient starts breathing or until help arrives.
- Defibrillator – If possible connect an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to the patient and keep following the voice prompts. No matter what, do not leave the patient alone.
Here are some must-know basics of first aid that can assist in taking care of a broad array of injuries:
- Always stand by the “Three P’s (Preserve life, Prevent further injury, Promote recovery).”
- Always check the spot and danger before you provide help.
- In order to take care of cuts and scrapes, apply gentle pressure, disinfectant, and bandages.
- In order to take care of sprains, apply ice and compression at intervals and keep the limb elevated.
- In order to take care of the exhaustion, use cool fluids, cool clothes, and shade.
- In order to take care of hypothermia; use warm fluids and warm covering.
- In order to take care of burns, determine the burn type and severity. Cover the wound with a loose cloth to prevent infection.
- In order to take care of fractures, keep the fractured area stable and immobilized, and apply a cold pack.
- Do perform CPR if the person stops breathing.
Take care of these basics of first aid and make sure to stand by them while providing first aid to anyone. Never leave the person alone and contact